12022-09-16T00:05:51 <_aj_> robertspigler: maybe just means most i2p nodes aren't i2p-only (and thus make most of their outbound connections on ipv4/ipv6/onion)?
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112022-09-16T02:09:33 <lightlike> also, it could be a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem: If you start out with an addrman that has predominantly clearnet peers, your chance to pick an i2p peer for an outgoing connection is small. But if you don't make outgoing connections to i2p peers, you probably won't advertise your i2p address but your clearnet address, so that your i2p address won't propagate to other i2p peers. As a result you also won't get incoming i2p peers
122022-09-16T02:09:33 <lightlike> because others don't know you exist.
132022-09-16T02:12:13 <robertspigler> Makes sense
142022-09-16T02:13:31 <robertspigler> _aj_: Should there not be a preference to make atleast 1 i2p connection for network diversity sake
152022-09-16T02:13:40 *** _apex2_ <_apex2_!~apex@dynamic-acs-24-144-190-15.zoominternet.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
162022-09-16T02:23:19 <_aj_> lightlike: that sounds suboptimal?
172022-09-16T02:26:59 <_aj_> robertspigler: i could see biasing addrfetch and the temporary block-relay-only connections to ensure connections are regularly made to each reachable net, to help maintain connectivity; but biasing a permanent connection might be risky?
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302022-09-16T05:10:12 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hobhsy opened pull request #26106: [](https://github.com/hobhsy/haha/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml) (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26106
312022-09-16T05:23:02 *** realies <realies!~realies@user/realies> has quit IRC (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
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342022-09-16T05:57:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #26106: [](https://github.com/hobhsy/haha/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml) (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26106
352022-09-16T06:32:06 <vasild> robertspigler: lightlike: _aj_: indeed if addrman has just e.g. 5% i2p peers, then the chance of randomly selecting one is... well... 5%
362022-09-16T06:33:14 <vasild> for outbound 10 connections that means 0 i2p peers
372022-09-16T06:34:17 <_aj_> 40% chance of at least 1 peer at 5% each
382022-09-16T06:34:56 <vasild> I have been thinking before to change the logic of "randomly" selecting outbound peers. This is very much related to #26035
392022-09-16T06:34:57 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26035 | Finding peers to connect to after -onlynet changes may be problematic · Issue #26035 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
402022-09-16T06:36:54 <vasild> what about this: try to maintain at least 1 outbound to each reachable network? so when choosing a peer to connect to, ask addrman to give us a random i2p peer if we dont have i2p out connections and i2p is reachable
412022-09-16T06:37:15 <vasild> s/i2p/any reachable network/
422022-09-16T06:39:10 <vasild> _aj_: how did you derive that 40%?
432022-09-16T06:39:26 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/a56876e6b9da...27351fb9159e
442022-09-16T06:39:27 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master b0349a7 fanquake: doc: consolidate & remove release-note fragments
452022-09-16T06:39:27 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 27351fb MacroFake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26093: doc: consolidate release-note fragments pre-w...
462022-09-16T06:39:28 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #26093: doc: consolidate release-note fragments pre-wiki (master...consolidate_release_notes) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26093
472022-09-16T06:39:41 <_aj_> 1-((1-0.05)**10)
482022-09-16T06:41:52 <vasild> +1
492022-09-16T06:46:22 <vasild> in my addrman: total: 68234, ipv4: 46391, onion: 11491, ipv6: 10237, i2p: 111, cjdns: 4
502022-09-16T06:50:47 <vasild> _aj_: so, at least for my addrman, that is 1.6% instead of 40% :/
512022-09-16T06:51:43 *** baldur <baldur!~baldur@pool-74-108-229-157.nycmny.fios.verizon.net> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
522022-09-16T06:53:59 <vasild> that node has 12 inbound and 0 outbound i2p connections
532022-09-16T06:54:35 <_aj_> vasild: yeah, that sounds more plausible
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552022-09-16T06:55:01 <_aj_> vasild: lot of inbounds, but i guess your node was early or is a seed node?
562022-09-16T06:55:26 <vasild> was early for sure, maybe also is a seed one
572022-09-16T06:56:04 <_aj_> i think early would help if it's selected as a block-relay-only node by i2p-only peers
582022-09-16T07:00:06 <vasild> hmm, looking only at inbound connections, why do I have 12/107=11% i2p connections if i2p peers are 111/68234=0.16% from all peers?
592022-09-16T07:01:05 <vasild> well, ok, that 111/68234 is _listening_ ones
602022-09-16T07:01:33 <_aj_> doesn't i2p make it easy to be a listening node?
612022-09-16T07:01:48 <vasild> I guess people concerned about privacy dont listen
622022-09-16T07:02:25 <vasild> _aj_: yes, it is a matter of setting i2pacceptincoming=1 which is the default
632022-09-16T07:02:46 <_aj_> if p% of i2p nodes are i2p *only* then the average i2p node would expect to have p%/100% * 10 inbound connections
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652022-09-16T07:08:03 <vasild> _aj_: that seems to be wrong for p=100?
662022-09-16T07:08:47 <_aj_> i rounded the 0.87% down to 0 :)
672022-09-16T07:09:28 <_aj_> (but 12 is still mroe than p%/100%*10 anyway ofc)
682022-09-16T07:11:13 <vasild> ok
692022-09-16T07:17:00 <vasild> posted a comment here, so it does not get forgotten: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26035#issuecomment-1249006795
702022-09-16T07:42:55 *** Neojack <Neojack!Neojack@pear.bnc4free.com> has quit IRC (Quit: See you around ;))
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732022-09-16T08:14:13 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/27351fb9159e...19526d937fbd
742022-09-16T08:14:14 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 8b2891a Vasil Dimov: i2p: use the same destination type for transient and persistent addresses
752022-09-16T08:14:14 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 19526d9 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26065: i2p: use the same destination type for transi...
762022-09-16T08:14:16 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #26065: i2p: use the same destination type for transient and persistent addresses (master...i2p_transient_addr_type) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26065
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792022-09-16T09:32:49 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/19526d937fbd...2530a246896c
802022-09-16T09:32:49 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 04fee75 Pieter Wuille: Use ReadLE64 in uint256::GetUint64() instead of duplicating logic
812022-09-16T09:32:49 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 2530a24 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26105: Use ReadLE64 in uint256::GetUint64 instead of...
822022-09-16T09:32:51 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #26105: Use ReadLE64 in uint256::GetUint64 instead of duplicating logic (master...202209_uint256_readle64) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26105
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872022-09-16T09:48:02 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/2530a246896c...1d6c605165d6
882022-09-16T09:48:02 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 55e468f Hennadii Stepanov: build: Add `-no-mimetype-database` option to qt package in depends
892022-09-16T09:48:02 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d0433a3 Hennadii Stepanov: guix: Drop perl package
902022-09-16T09:48:03 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 1d6c605 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26057: build, guix: Get rid of perl dependency
912022-09-16T09:48:04 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #26057: build, guix: Get rid of perl dependency (master...220910-perl) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26057
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942022-09-16T10:10:35 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/1d6c605165d6...08785aa75bf0
952022-09-16T10:10:35 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa521c9 MacroFake: Use steady clock for all millis bench logging
962022-09-16T10:10:35 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 08785aa fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#25499: Use steady clock for all millis bench logging
972022-09-16T10:10:39 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #25499: Use steady clock for all millis bench logging (master...2206-steady-ð) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25499
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1062022-09-16T10:41:24 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/08785aa75bf0...5eb9781763a4
1072022-09-16T10:41:24 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 97f5b20 stickies-v: refactor: use std::string for thread names
1082022-09-16T10:41:25 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 200d84d stickies-v: refactor: use std::string for index names
1092022-09-16T10:41:25 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 26cf9ea stickies-v: scripted-diff: rename pszThread to thread_name
1102022-09-16T10:41:26 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #25971: refactor: Use std::string for thread and index names (master...baseindex-getname-string) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25971
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1132022-09-16T10:57:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/5eb9781763a4...5a724d1161ee
1142022-09-16T10:57:05 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 22dada5 fanquake: build: prune compat event headers
1152022-09-16T10:57:05 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5a724d1 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#25918: build: prune event2 compat headers
1162022-09-16T10:57:09 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #25918: build: prune event2 compat headers (master...libevent_prune_compat_h) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25918
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1192022-09-16T11:12:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/5a724d1161ee...3d892d869585
1202022-09-16T11:12:42 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f839697 fanquake: build: remove BOOST_CPPFLAGS usage from bitcoin-tx
1212022-09-16T11:12:43 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3d892d8 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26086: build: remove BOOST_CPPFLAGS usage from bitco...
1222022-09-16T11:12:44 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #26086: build: remove BOOST_CPPFLAGS usage from bitcoin-tx (master...bitcoin_tx_prune_boost_cpp) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26086
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1252022-09-16T11:15:09 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] glozow opened pull request #26107: [test] only run feature_rbf.py once (master...2022-09-rbf-notwallet) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26107
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1352022-09-16T13:05:04 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 667401a glozow: [test] only run feature_rbf.py once
1362022-09-16T13:05:04 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9fefd00 MacroFake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26107: [test] only run feature_rbf.py once
1372022-09-16T13:05:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MarcoFalke merged pull request #26107: [test] only run feature_rbf.py once (master...2022-09-rbf-notwallet) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26107
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1392022-09-16T13:13:51 <vasild> MacroFake: any idea how to deterministically reproduce #25365? Putting sleep in BaseIndex::SetBestBlockIndex() does not trigger it, nor in MainSignalsImpl::Iterate()
1402022-09-16T13:13:52 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25365 | ThreadSanitizer: data race on vptr (ctor/dtor vs virtual call) in BaseIndex · Issue #25365 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
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1462022-09-16T13:34:53 <fanquake> 0.20.x is EOL, so I've just closed the 0.20.3 milestone on GH.
1472022-09-16T13:54:16 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9fefd00d8e67...a688ff9046a9
1482022-09-16T13:54:16 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a10df7c fanquake: build: prune BOOST_CPPFLAGS from libbitcoin_zmq
1492022-09-16T13:54:16 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a688ff9 fanquake: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26087: build: prune BOOST_CPPFLAGS from libbitcoin_z...
1502022-09-16T13:54:17 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #26087: build: prune BOOST_CPPFLAGS from libbitcoin_zmq (master...libbitcoin_zmq_prune_boost_cppflags) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26087
1512022-09-16T13:58:20 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jonatack opened pull request #26109: rpc, cli: getpeerinfo and -netinfo updates (master...2022-09-getpeerinfo-netinfo-updates) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26109
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1542022-09-16T14:05:35 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] yancyribbens opened pull request #26110: test: Remove unused coin_selection param (master...remove-unused-bnb-test-param) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26110
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1582022-09-16T14:27:05 <lightlike> vasild: "indeed if addrman has just e.g. 5% i2p peers, then the chance of randomly selecting one is... well... 5%" - It could be less due to the Selection logic in AddrMan, where we flip a coin to choose from new or tried, and then pick a random peer from whatever we chose in the first step.
1592022-09-16T14:27:28 <lightlike> E.g. if we just enabled i2p so that all known i2p addrs are still in the new table, the chance could be closer to 2.5%.
1602022-09-16T14:30:49 <vasild> lightlike: ah, that too! :)
1612022-09-16T14:39:22 *** fjMSX <fjMSX!~hypni2p@128-68-144-58.broadband.corbina.ru> has quit IRC (Quit: УÑ'лЪЬ Ñз ÑÑой IRC ÑеÑÑ)
1622022-09-16T14:49:10 <sdaftuar1> hi, do i need to request write access to edit the release notes wiki page? i was going to add a note regarding headers presync.
1632022-09-16T14:50:14 <fanquake> sdaftuar: have invited you
1642022-09-16T14:51:17 <fanquake> although I'm not sure if write access is needed to make edits? Maybe just being a member of bitcoin-core orgnanisation (which it doesn't look like you were a part of either)
1652022-09-16T14:51:53 <sipa> It looks to me that being a member of the "frequent contributors" group on the bitcoin-core org is sufficient.
1662022-09-16T14:54:22 <fanquake> Yes I think so. Have edited that invite to just be the "frequent contributors" group
1672022-09-16T14:56:32 <sdaftuar1> thanks, i have an edit button now!
1682022-09-16T15:02:46 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] yancyribbens opened pull request #26111: refactor: Simplify bnb coin_selection test params (master...simplify-bnb-test-params) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26111
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1802022-09-16T16:32:19 <jb55> has anyone experienced not being able to sync headers? I'm on master and still have this issue.
1812022-09-16T16:33:04 <sipa> jb55: that's concerning, you have any more details? Due to #25717 it may take longer to sync headers.
1822022-09-16T16:33:08 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/25717 | p2p: Implement anti-DoS headers sync by sdaftuar · Pull Request #25717 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1832022-09-16T16:33:45 <instagibbs> jb55, if your connection is flapping during pre-sync, it can take "forever"
1842022-09-16T16:34:37 <_aj_> jb55: bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | grep presync # ?
1852022-09-16T16:34:44 <jb55> sipa: not sure maybe I'll try tracing. but it seems like it's just stuck and is not receiving any data from peers, even from a local node on my network.
1862022-09-16T16:34:56 <jb55> _aj_: sec
1872022-09-16T16:35:10 <instagibbs> no presyncing logs at all?
1882022-09-16T16:35:12 <instagibbs> that would be surprising
1892022-09-16T16:36:21 <jb55> > ./src/bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | grep presync | sort | uniq -c
1902022-09-16T16:36:29 <jb55> 11 "presynced_headers": -1,
1912022-09-16T16:38:28 <jb55> synced_blocks and synced_headers is all -1 as well for all 11 peers
1922022-09-16T16:38:43 <_aj_> bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo | jq .headers,.blocks # both 0 i guess?
1932022-09-16T16:38:56 <sipa> there is a chance it gets unstuck once a block gets announced
1942022-09-16T16:38:57 <sipa> but this shouldn't happen
1952022-09-16T16:39:05 <jb55> _aj_: both 752167
1962022-09-16T16:39:14 <_aj_> oh
1972022-09-16T16:39:27 <_aj_> shouldn't be a presync problem per se then
1982022-09-16T16:40:16 <jb55> this is my laptop node that I spin up on occasion. it's stuck 2 weeks behind
1992022-09-16T16:40:21 <sipa> it's just over 2000 + 144 headers behind, so it very well could be.
2002022-09-16T16:41:41 <jb55> should I try to bisect?
2012022-09-16T16:41:59 <sipa> having logs with -debug=net would be helpful, but i assume that restarting with it will resolve the issue too
2022022-09-16T16:42:23 <jb55> ok sec
2032022-09-16T16:42:43 <sipa> have you already restarted
2042022-09-16T16:42:44 <sipa> ?
2052022-09-16T16:42:51 <sipa> if not, i suggest you don't, and see if it gets automatically resolved by a new block announcement
2062022-09-16T16:43:09 <sipa> because i expect that restarting will fix it without givin us any information
2072022-09-16T16:44:17 <_aj_> bitcoin-cli logging ["net"] # to turn it on without restarting, on the offchance that's helpful?
2082022-09-16T16:44:28 <_aj_> oh, more quotes needed i guess
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2102022-09-16T16:45:21 <jb55> I've restarted multiple times and it's still stuck
2112022-09-16T16:45:35 <sipa> oh, ok
2122022-09-16T16:45:40 <sipa> that's concerning
2132022-09-16T16:45:45 <sipa> what does getchaintips say?
2142022-09-16T16:47:22 *** af_mencken <af_mencken!~afmencken@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2152022-09-16T16:47:46 <jb55> debug log: https://jb55.com/s/not-syncing-grepped-net.txt, getchaintips: https://jb55.com/s/getchaintips.txt
2162022-09-16T16:48:06 <jb55> that looks bad
2172022-09-16T16:48:30 <sipa> seems like you've rejected the honest chain
2182022-09-16T16:48:38 <jb55> indeed
2192022-09-16T16:48:57 <sipa> try `reconsiderblock <hash>`, with hash the invalid hash from getchaintips
2202022-09-16T16:49:08 <sipa> and observe what appears in debug.log
2212022-09-16T16:49:23 <_aj_> shouldn't the active block be 752661 in that case?
2222022-09-16T16:50:33 <jb55> I didn't see anything happen in the log but now it says "status": "headers-only"
2232022-09-16T16:51:24 <jb55> (the one that was previously had status invalid)
2242022-09-16T16:52:06 <jb55> https://jb55.com/s/getchaintips.txt
2252022-09-16T16:52:35 <jb55> I'll restart now...
2262022-09-16T16:53:07 <_aj_> does getblock 000000000000000000079ba062298aa7cef1888f870c23e303a361c19b097ff8 (752168) work?
2272022-09-16T16:53:08 <jb55> fixed it
2282022-09-16T16:53:55 <jb55> guess corruption or something?
2292022-09-16T16:59:34 <_aj_> didn't write everything to disk when it last powered down, maybe?
2302022-09-16T17:06:34 <jb55> _aj_: does reconsiderblock fetch the block again or something?
2312022-09-16T17:06:54 <jb55> never used that before
2322022-09-16T17:06:58 <sipa> It doesn't
2332022-09-16T17:07:13 <sipa> It just clears invalidity flags, and re-evaluates.
2342022-09-16T17:07:27 <jb55> cosmic ray I guess
2352022-09-16T17:10:43 <jb55> would be cool if getchaintips gave a reason why it was invalid ...
2362022-09-16T17:11:14 <sipa> Yeah, that's not cached, so it only appears in the logs.
2372022-09-16T17:12:06 <jb55> ah so it might be in my logs somewhere
2382022-09-16T17:13:40 <jb55> well that explains it... https://jb55.com/s/nospace.txt
2392022-09-16T17:14:09 <sipa> Ugh.
2402022-09-16T17:14:10 <sipa> That is bad.
2412022-09-16T17:14:24 <sipa> Out of disk space should not result in database corruption.
2422022-09-16T17:14:53 <instagibbs> TODO: Add out of disk space regression tests...
2432022-09-16T17:16:16 <jb55> I'll open an issue
2442022-09-16T17:18:04 <sipa> Database errors propagating up and being interpreted as (permanent) block invalidity was one of the contributing factors to the BDB/LevelDB fork in the 0.7/0.8 transition.
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2492022-09-16T17:27:07 <bytes1440000> Blockstream and Chaincodelabs should find a way to not mess with open source bitcoin core wallet
2502022-09-16T17:27:07 <bytes1440000> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/23831#issuecomment-1248645899
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2522022-09-16T17:40:47 <instagibbs> *squints*
2532022-09-16T17:43:40 <jb55> instagibbs: I wonder how you would do that... tmpfs mount perhaps?
2542022-09-16T17:44:16 <sipa> or have some means of stubbing out the disk space check
2552022-09-16T17:45:25 <jb55> not sure if mocking would be the best here but perhaps
2562022-09-16T17:46:17 <sipa> Oh, no, that wouldn't work.
2572022-09-16T17:46:35 <sipa> It's not our own disk space check that triggered, but leveldb being unable to write to disk.
2582022-09-16T17:47:44 * jb55 nods
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2602022-09-16T18:23:34 <jb55> fault injection testing might be interesting, if we could randomly simulate write failures...
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2822022-09-16T19:23:53 <Earnestly> jb55: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/fault-injection/fault-injection.txt
2832022-09-16T19:25:34 <Earnestly> (There's also a libfiu but I don't know anything about it)
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2862022-09-16T19:59:15 <jb55> Earnestly: TIL the kernel has this feature. very cool.
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2902022-09-16T20:54:19 <jamesob> anyone seeing approx. 500 bazillion " [lock] Enter: lock contention m_mutex, ./checkqueue.h:78 " lines when enabling -debug?
2912022-09-16T21:01:18 <jamesob> it makes debug.log basically unusable
2922022-09-16T21:01:43 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] mzumsande opened pull request #26114: net: Make AddrFetch connections to fixed seeds (master...202209_addrfetch_fixedseeds) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26114
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2972022-09-16T21:37:19 <achow101> jamesob: happens if you configured with --enable-debug which will enable DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION
2982022-09-16T21:38:49 <achow101> it can be turned off with -debugexclude=lock
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