12024-05-16T00:40:58  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/71f0f2273f62...ae2658caacc1
  22024-05-16T00:40:59  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 141df0a Cory Fields: crypto: disable asan for sha256_sse4 with clang and -O0
  32024-05-16T00:40:59  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ae2658c merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30097: crypto: disable asan for sha256_sse4 with cla...
  42024-05-16T00:41:05  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30097: crypto: disable asan for sha256_sse4 with clang and -O0 (master...sha2asan) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30097
  52024-05-16T01:39:18  *** Victor <Victor!~Victor@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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 102024-05-16T03:11:11  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30120: Update libsecp256k1 subtree to current master (master...secp256k1_0_5_0) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30120
 112024-05-16T03:18:42  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/ae2658caacc1...dd42a5ddea6a
 122024-05-16T03:18:43  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 684da97 Jon Atack: p2p, bugfix: detect addnode cjdns peers in GetAddedNodeInfo()
 132024-05-16T03:18:43  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d0b0474 Jon Atack: test: add GetAddedNodeInfo() CJDNS regression unit test
 142024-05-16T03:18:44  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master dd42a5d merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30085: p2p: detect addnode cjdns peers in GetAddedNo...
 152024-05-16T03:18:50  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30085: p2p: detect addnode cjdns peers in GetAddedNodeInfo() (master...2024-05-fix-cjdns-detection-in-GetAddedNodeInfo) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30085
 162024-05-16T03:28:55  *** Victor165532 <Victor165532!~Victor165@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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 482024-05-16T10:14:32  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj closed pull request #29874: test: Add large aligned vmov check for mingw (master...2024-04-forbidden-vmov-check) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29874
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 652024-05-16T12:57:09  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] furszy opened pull request #30122: bench: enable wallet creation benchmarks on all platforms (master...2024_bench_enable_wallet_create) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30122
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 782024-05-16T14:00:24  <achow101> #startmeeting
 792024-05-16T14:00:26  <jonatack> hi
 802024-05-16T14:00:27  <TheCharlatan> hi
 812024-05-16T14:00:29  <pinheadmz> hi
 822024-05-16T14:00:34  <hebasto> hi
 832024-05-16T14:00:34  <achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 _aj_ amiti ariard aureleoules b10c BlueMatt brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge dongcarl fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jamesob jarolrod jonatack josibake kallewoof kanzure kouloumos kvaciral laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr MacroFake Murch phantomcircuit pinheadmz promag provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi theStack TheCharlatan vasild
 842024-05-16T14:00:36  <willcl-ark> hi
 852024-05-16T14:00:39  <vasild> hi
 862024-05-16T14:00:40  <cfields> hi
 872024-05-16T14:00:40  <brunoerg> hi
 882024-05-16T14:00:40  <furszy> hi
 892024-05-16T14:00:46  <dergoegge> hi
 902024-05-16T14:00:57  <achow101> There is one preproposed meeting topic this week. Any last minute ones to add to the list?
 912024-05-16T14:01:07  <sr_gi[m]> hi
 922024-05-16T14:01:07  <b10c> hi
 932024-05-16T14:01:18  *** Emc99 <Emc99!~Emc99@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
 942024-05-16T14:01:20  <Murch[m]> hi
 952024-05-16T14:01:36  <achow101> #topic package relay updates (glozow)
 962024-05-16T14:01:47  <glozow> #30000 was merged (yay!). The priority PR is still #28984. On the p2p side, I opened #30110 as the next step. #30111 splits out the first 4 commits which are concerned with thread safety and should be reviewed very carefully. The rest of #30110 consists of more mechanical refactoring + tests.
 972024-05-16T14:01:50  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30000 | p2p: index TxOrphanage by wtxid, allow entries with same txid by glozow · Pull Request #30000 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
 982024-05-16T14:01:53  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28984 | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
 992024-05-16T14:01:53  <kanzure> hi
1002024-05-16T14:01:54  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30110 | refactor: TxDownloadManager by glozow · Pull Request #30110 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1012024-05-16T14:01:55  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30111 | locks: introduce mutex for tx download, flush rejection filters on UpdatedBlockTip by glozow · Pull Request #30111 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1022024-05-16T14:01:56  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30110 | refactor: TxDownloadManager by glozow · Pull Request #30110 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1032024-05-16T14:02:14  <josie> hi
1042024-05-16T14:02:14  <sipa> hi
1052024-05-16T14:02:18  <glozow> And #28984 has #20072 as the first few refactoring commits
1062024-05-16T14:02:19  <gmaxwell> hi
1072024-05-16T14:02:20  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28984 | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1082024-05-16T14:02:26  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/20072 | ci: Build Arm64 on Travis without functional tests by fjahr · Pull Request #20072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1092024-05-16T14:02:27  <glozow> sorry I meant #30072
1102024-05-16T14:02:29  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30072 | refactor prep for package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #30072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1112024-05-16T14:02:54  <achow101> so #30072 should go first?
1122024-05-16T14:02:56  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30072 | refactor prep for package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #30072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1132024-05-16T14:02:58  <_aj_> hi
1142024-05-16T14:03:03  <glozow> Yeah it's the first few commits of package RBF
1152024-05-16T14:04:00  <glozow> Oh also, I figured I'd ping on #29873 which seems to have some conceptual support, would be nice to get that in so we can do #29496
1162024-05-16T14:04:01  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29873 | policy: restrict all TRUC (v3) transactions to 25KvB by glozow · Pull Request #29873 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1172024-05-16T14:04:02  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29496 | policy: bump TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION to 3 by glozow · Pull Request #29496 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1182024-05-16T14:04:12  <glozow> (also feel free to bikeshed on the 25k number)
1192024-05-16T14:04:30  <glozow> That's all from me.
1202024-05-16T14:04:36  <achow101> #topic cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
1212024-05-16T14:05:07  <sdaftuar> hi -- so i think last week i mentioned i had been working on an esoteric issue. unfortunately i've still been working on it for the past week so i can just quickly update what that is
1222024-05-16T14:05:30  <sdaftuar> one thing that sipa and i have been discussing is whether we cna come up with some sort of "quality metric" for linearizations. there are a couple of reasons you might want this:
1232024-05-16T14:05:38  *** pablomartin <pablomartin!~pablomart@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1242024-05-16T14:05:42  <sdaftuar> a) having tests to ensure that our code does what we expect (eg regression tests so we don't break things in the future)
1252024-05-16T14:05:50  <sdaftuar> b) having an understanding of what guarantees we provide to users
1262024-05-16T14:06:45  <sdaftuar> so as a natural place to start, we can think about guarantees ancestor feerate based mining provides. however, it turns out that it seems to guarantee surprisingly little, and coming up with general properties that should hold up is quite hard
1272024-05-16T14:07:05  <sdaftuar> anyway, i don't have a good answer to this question yet but will continue to think about it, and probably set my sights lower for what tests we can include
1282024-05-16T14:07:31  <sdaftuar> that's it from me
1292024-05-16T14:07:33  <stickies-v> hi
1302024-05-16T14:08:03  <sipa> i'll probably open a PR today with low-level cluster linearization code
1312024-05-16T14:08:16  <achow101> yay
1322024-05-16T14:08:19  <sdaftuar> \o/
1332024-05-16T14:08:28  <sdaftuar> that would immediately become the PR to review please :)
1342024-05-16T14:08:58  <achow101> #topic legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
1352024-05-16T14:09:47  <achow101> #26606 has been getting plenty of review and seems to be close. there's a few residual comments that need to be addressed, but those should be fairly trivial
1362024-05-16T14:09:55  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26606 | wallet: Implement independent BDB parser by achow101 · Pull Request #26606 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1372024-05-16T14:10:33  <achow101> once again, if you have legacy wallets, testing them with the parser would be appreciated
1382024-05-16T14:10:54  <achow101> #topic Ad-hoc high priority for review
1392024-05-16T14:11:00  <achow101> Anything to add or remove from https://github.com/orgs/bitcoin/projects/1/views/4
1402024-05-16T14:11:15  <glozow> Not sure if this should be in the project board, but I would appreciate some review on #29899.
1412024-05-16T14:11:17  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29899 | [26.x] archive 26.1 release notes + backports by glozow · Pull Request #29899 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1422024-05-16T14:11:39  <achow101> glozow: added
1432024-05-16T14:11:43  <glozow> thanks!
1442024-05-16T14:12:40  <sr_gi[m]> I've recently opened https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30116. Given Erlay was listed in high review prio, I guess that should also go there
1452024-05-16T14:13:23  <achow101> sr_gi[m]: that board is for whatever you personally feel should be slightly prioritized
1462024-05-16T14:13:40  <vasild> maflcko: would be nice if you remove your stale NACK from https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29421#issuecomment-1985212820
1472024-05-16T14:13:54  <achow101> sr_gi[m]: should #28765 be closed?
1482024-05-16T14:13:57  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28765 | p2p: Fill reconciliation sets (Erlay) by naumenkogs · Pull Request #28765 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1492024-05-16T14:14:40  <sipa> i think we don't want to two ~identical PRs open simultaneously
1502024-05-16T14:14:45  <sr_gi[m]> I think so. I talked to Gleb and looks like he had no time to work on it atm, and he was happy that I picked it up
1512024-05-16T14:14:46  <Chris_Stewart_5> hi
1522024-05-16T14:15:20  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 closed pull request #28765: p2p: Fill reconciliation sets (Erlay) (master...2023-11-erlay2.1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28765
1532024-05-16T14:15:27  <achow101> closed, and added #30116 to the board
1542024-05-16T14:15:28  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30116 | p2p: Fill reconciliation sets (Erlay) attempt 2 by sr-gi · Pull Request #30116 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1552024-05-16T14:15:32  <abubakarsadiq> hi
1562024-05-16T14:15:47  <sr_gi[m]> ty
1572024-05-16T14:16:26  <achow101> #topic moderators (achow101)
1582024-05-16T14:17:09  <achow101> The proposed moderation guidelines have been public for a couple weeks now, and there's been a bit of feedback. I think it's at the point that we can move forward with putting them into effect and electing/appointing/volunteering some moderators
1592024-05-16T14:17:45  <achow101> There is a meta repo where the guidelines will live, as well as any meta discussion: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/meta. the discussion about the guidelines has taken place there as well.
1602024-05-16T14:18:21  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky pushed 10 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/dd42a5ddea6a...75118a608fc2
1612024-05-16T14:18:21  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4202c17 Matthew Zipkin: test: refactor interface_rpc.py
1622024-05-16T14:18:22  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 09416f9 Matthew Zipkin: test: cover JSONRPC 2.0 requests, batches, and notifications
1632024-05-16T14:18:22  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master df6e375 Matthew Zipkin: rpc: Avoid copies in JSONRPCReplyObj()
1642024-05-16T14:18:29  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky merged pull request #27101: Support JSON-RPC 2.0 when requested by client (master...jsonrpc-2.0) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/27101
1652024-05-16T14:18:39  <achow101> 2 weeks ago, willcl-ark and pinheadmz volunteered to be moderators, and I think there was general agreement for them. I think we can start with them, if there are no objections?
1662024-05-16T14:18:57  <darosior> hi
1672024-05-16T14:19:00  <darosior> +1 for both
1682024-05-16T14:19:03  <cfields> +1
1692024-05-16T14:19:04  <hebasto> ACK on willcl-ark and pinheadmz
1702024-05-16T14:19:06  <brunoerg> +1
1712024-05-16T14:19:06  <abubakarsadiq> +1
1722024-05-16T14:19:11  <sipa> +1
1732024-05-16T14:19:11  <ajonas> +1
1742024-05-16T14:19:15  <dergoegge> +1
1752024-05-16T14:19:20  <b10c> +2
1762024-05-16T14:19:25  <josie> +1
1772024-05-16T14:19:41  <josie> b10c: lol
1782024-05-16T14:19:46  * pinheadmz blushing
1792024-05-16T14:19:59  <pinheadmz> json 2.0 merged too plenty of free time now
1802024-05-16T14:20:02  <vasild> +1
1812024-05-16T14:20:03  <achow101> as always, we can make changes if necessary, this isn't something that's set in stone
1822024-05-16T14:20:08  <sr_gi[m]> ACK on both
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1842024-05-16T14:21:21  <jonatack> guidelines suggestion: "pull requests will be *aggressively* moderated" -> s/aggressively/actively/
1852024-05-16T14:21:26  <achow101> Any other topics to discuss?
1862024-05-16T14:21:54  <jonatack> +1 on willcl-ark and pinheadmz
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1882024-05-16T14:23:30  <achow101> #endmeeting
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1902024-05-16T14:25:03  <achow101> jonatack: i believe the word choice was intentional, as in people shouldn't be surprised if their comment gets deleted
1912024-05-16T14:27:00  <jonatack> achow101: I think "actively" suggests it too, just less aggressively :)
1922024-05-16T14:27:25  <_aj_> could use "zealously", to be a bit less "let's have a fight about it"
1932024-05-16T14:27:38  <laanwj> +1
1942024-05-16T14:27:40  *** bugs_ <bugs_!~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1952024-05-16T14:29:03  <vasild> to me that first paragraph about aggressive moderation brings some bitter/negative feelings, like "you are enering enemy territory here!"
1962024-05-16T14:30:13  <achow101> jonatack: i suppose so. changed it
1972024-05-16T14:30:33  <jonatack> achow101: ty
1982024-05-16T14:32:21  <jonatack> thankfully on the bips repo it's been limited so far
1992024-05-16T14:32:39  <jonatack> (the need for moderation)
2002024-05-16T14:33:11  <achow101> jonatack: well there is still spam that we've been deleting
2012024-05-16T14:33:47  <achow101> but not so much brigading currently, although the taproot assets and ordinals bips prs have attracted that in the past
2022024-05-16T14:34:26  <jonatack> same, deleting. and twice reminded people to focus on technical review.
2032024-05-16T14:35:08  <jonatack> perhaps reworking bip 2 will help clarify the repo scope.
2042024-05-16T14:37:34  *** Guyver2 <Guyver2!~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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2092024-05-16T15:16:30  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky pushed 7 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/75118a608fc2...2f53f2273da0
2102024-05-16T15:16:31  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0d114e3 Martin Zumsande: blockstorage: Add Assume for fKnown / snapshot chainstate
2112024-05-16T15:16:31  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fdae638 Martin Zumsande: doc: Improve doc for functions involved in saving blocks to disk
2122024-05-16T15:16:32  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 064859b Martin Zumsande: blockstorage: split up FindBlockPos function
2132024-05-16T15:16:38  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky merged pull request #29975: blockstorage: Separate reindexing from saving new blocks (master...202404_blockstorage_split_reindex) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29975
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2312024-05-16T17:48:45  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theStack opened pull request #30125: test: improve BDB parser (handle internal/overflow pages, support all page sizes) (master...complete_bdb-ro_python_parser2) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30125
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2542024-05-16T20:03:47  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-maintainer-tools] laanwj opened pull request #166: Improved check-dnsseeds.py implementation (main...2024-05-new-dnsseeds) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-maintainer-tools/pull/166
2552024-05-16T20:29:24  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] sipa opened pull request #30126: Low-level cluster linearization code (master...202405_clusterlin) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30126
2562024-05-16T20:36:42  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoincore.org] dependabot[bot] opened pull request #1023: Bump rexml from 3.2.5 to 3.2.8 (master...dependabot/bundler/rexml-3.2.8) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoincore.org/pull/1023
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