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  52024-05-20T01:02:27  <c4pt00> luke-jr, https://x.com/Bitnet_io/status/1792260906094887073
  62024-05-20T01:02:31  <c4pt00> luke-jr, https://x.com/LukeDashjr/status/1792348745251910027
  72024-05-20T01:02:31  <c4pt00> luke-jr, https://i.postimg.cc/pX8vCqw7/luke-dash-jr-nonsense.png
  82024-05-20T01:02:31  <c4pt00> luke-jr, https://i.postimg.cc/1RbPDLjw/luke-dash-jr-crazy.png
  92024-05-20T01:02:31  <c4pt00> luke-jr, https://i.postimg.cc/qvTT5207/luke-dash-jr-drugs.png
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 412024-05-20T12:29:28  <laanwj> <saffi> "I was going through this PR..." <- i don't know, tbh i don't see much difference in readability
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 432024-05-20T12:31:43  <laanwj> everyone who's able to meaningfully contribute to the test cases won't have difficulty reading != as "not equal" but maybe i'm missing something
 442024-05-20T12:33:50  <laanwj> for non-native English speakers, the symbol may be quicker to parse than the word
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 522024-05-20T13:26:32  <dodo> is that pytest?
 532024-05-20T13:28:53  <dodo> fwiw, in unittest there is assertEqual and assertNotEqual, maybe that motivated it to follow python idioms
 542024-05-20T13:29:15  <dodo> dunno about pytest, but i find it surprising that such helper functions even have to exist..
 552024-05-20T13:29:54  <dodo> though unittest syntax is derived from java afaik.oO
 562024-05-20T13:33:13  <dodo> oh ok.. some homegrown test system..
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1192024-05-20T20:57:06  <saffi> laanwj   but assertion gives better error messages
1202024-05-20T20:57:07  <saffi> and if the above pr gets approved for the consistency of code it would be better to use assertions for other symbols as well
1212024-05-20T20:57:08  <saffi> this thing provide better diagnostics when tests fail. This small change can significantly enhance the clarity and robustness of your test suite.
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1232024-05-20T21:17:41  <laanwj> if you're looking to contribute to the tests, i think something like fixing one of the flakey CI tests, or improving test coverage, would be much more welcome than these kind of search/replace jobs
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1252024-05-20T21:19:30  <saffi> but feels like you are right its better for non english people and in many other ways
1262024-05-20T21:22:53  <saffi> sure I would take a look into those thank you for pointing in the direction and the guidance   laanwj
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