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 112024-05-30T01:26:42  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-detached-sigs] achow101 pushed 1 commit to 27.x: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs/compare/9cccc7753df1...b15cfc62c921
 122024-05-30T01:26:43  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin-detached-sigs/27.x b15cfc6 Ava Chow: 27.1: win sig for rc1
 132024-05-30T01:29:44  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] kevkevinpal opened pull request #30195: test: Added test coverage to listsinceblock rpc (master...testCannotReadFromBlock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30195
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 662024-05-30T07:42:09  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] dewy800 opened pull request #30196: Create Dewy800 (master...patch-1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30196
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 782024-05-30T08:26:03  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5deb0b0 Hennadii Stepanov: build, test, doc: Temporarily remove Android-related stuff
 792024-05-30T08:26:03  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f61ede5 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30049: build, test, doc: Temporarily remove Android-...
 802024-05-30T08:26:14  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30049: build, test, doc: Temporarily remove Android-related stuff (master...240503-android) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30049
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 952024-05-30T10:21:11  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin-detached-sigs/27.x a808015 fanquake: 27.1: macOS sig for rc1
 962024-05-30T10:21:17  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin-detached-sigs] fanquake pushed tag v27.1rc1: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-detached-sigs/compare/v27.1rc1
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1072024-05-30T10:58:09  <vasild> Sjors[m]1: I guess you did not remove netlink and recompile the freebsd kernel? What is the output of "kldstat -v |grep netlink"? If it is empty then try "kldload /boot/kernel/netlink.ko".
1082024-05-30T10:58:58  <vasild> that should work regardless of whether it is a VM or not
1092024-05-30T11:01:35  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #30022: releases: use LLVM 18 for macOS (master...macos_llvm_18_releases) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30022
1102024-05-30T11:08:05  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] darosior opened pull request #30197: fuzz: bound some miniscript operations to avoid fuzz timeouts (master...2405_desc_fuzz_timeouts) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30197
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1132024-05-30T11:15:13  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30198: depends: qt 5.15.14 and fix macOS build with Clang 18 (master...qt_5_15_14) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30198
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1162024-05-30T11:36:22  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f61ede574c12...0a7c650fcd32
1172024-05-30T11:36:22  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 4b7d984 willcl-ark: lint: add markdown hyperlink checker
1182024-05-30T11:36:23  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0a7c650 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30034: ci: add markdown link check job
1192024-05-30T11:36:29  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30034: ci: add markdown link check job (master...link-check-action) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30034
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1312024-05-30T12:16:10  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #30199: clang-tidy: Add `bugprone-move-forwarding-reference` check (master...240530-tidy-move-fw) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30199
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1332024-05-30T12:34:41  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #30200: Introduce Miner interface (master...2024/05/miner-interface) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30200
1342024-05-30T12:41:42  *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@2804:14c:3bfb:37:c9c9:21d4:9c7c:1e68> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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1362024-05-30T12:46:27  <sipa> what is up with the "test every commit" CI action? it seems to get automatically cancelled after 4 minutes
1372024-05-30T12:46:39  <fanquake> github infra has had the shits on for a day or so
1382024-05-30T12:46:51  <sipa> great
1392024-05-30T12:46:52  <fanquake> assume it'll be solved upstream soon
1402024-05-30T12:47:16  *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@2804:14c:3bfb:37:5c1d:db42:9b4:2421> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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1422024-05-30T12:48:59  <sipa> alright
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1602024-05-30T13:40:30  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30201: depends: remove `FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG` (master...remove_force_use_system_clang) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30201
1612024-05-30T13:40:54  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] vasild opened pull request #30202: netbase: extend CreateSock() to support creating arbitrary sockets (master...extend_CreateSock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30202
1622024-05-30T13:51:20  *** edilmedeiros <edilmedeiros!~jose.edil@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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1652024-05-30T13:56:18  *** Emc99 <Emc99!~Emc99@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1662024-05-30T14:00:31  <fjahr> #startmeeting
1672024-05-30T14:00:37  <maxedw> hi
1682024-05-30T14:00:42  <fjahr> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: achow101 _aj_ amiti ariard aureleoules b10c BlueMatt brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge dongcarl fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jamesob jarolrod jonatack josibake kallewoof kanzure kouloumos kvaciral laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr MacroFake Murch phantomcircuit pinheadmz promag provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi theStack TheCharlatan vasild
1692024-05-30T14:00:43  <vasild> hi
1702024-05-30T14:00:45  <pinheadmz> hi !
1712024-05-30T14:00:48  <sipa> hi
1722024-05-30T14:00:49  <laanwj> hi
1732024-05-30T14:00:49  <hebasto> hi
1742024-05-30T14:00:50  <TheCharlatan> hi
1752024-05-30T14:00:51  <furszy> hi
1762024-05-30T14:00:52  <darosior> hi
1772024-05-30T14:01:06  <willcl-ark> Hi
1782024-05-30T14:01:12  <pinheadmz> Ava youre so tall and blonde today !
1792024-05-30T14:01:30  <stickies-v> hi
1802024-05-30T14:01:33  <tdb3_> hi
1812024-05-30T14:01:50  <fjahr> ^^
1822024-05-30T14:02:02  <fjahr> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add? Reminder that you can pre-propose a meeting topic by prefixing your message with #preproposedmeetingtopic`
1832024-05-30T14:02:59  <fjahr> #preproposedmeetingtopic script/chain replayor
1842024-05-30T14:03:08  <dergoegge> hi
1852024-05-30T14:03:10  <kevkevin> hi
1862024-05-30T14:03:18  <fjahr> #topic package relay updates (glozow)
1872024-05-30T14:03:31  <dergoegge> I'm doing gloria's update today
1882024-05-30T14:03:32  <fjahr> She isn't here today, anyone else want to report?
1892024-05-30T14:03:44  <dergoegge> Since last week, #30072 has been merged so the priority is #28984.
1902024-05-30T14:03:47  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30072 | refactor prep for package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #30072 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1912024-05-30T14:03:49  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28984 | Cluster size 2 package rbf by instagibbs · Pull Request #28984 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1922024-05-30T14:04:08  <dergoegge> Had progress with TRUCs: we got #29873 and the BIP merged, and all that is left is #29496.
1932024-05-30T14:04:09  <dergoegge> And the p2p PR to review is still #30111
1942024-05-30T14:04:11  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29873 | policy: restrict all TRUC (v3) transactions to 10kvB by glozow · Pull Request #29873 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1952024-05-30T14:04:12  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29496 | policy: bump TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION to 3 by glozow · Pull Request #29496 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1962024-05-30T14:04:15  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30111 | locks: introduce mutex for tx download, flush rejection filters on UpdatedBlockTip by glozow · Pull Request #30111 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1972024-05-30T14:04:25  <abubakarsadiq> hi
1982024-05-30T14:04:48  <dergoegge> - that's all -
1992024-05-30T14:04:59  <fjahr> #topic cluster mempool updates (sdaftuar)
2002024-05-30T14:05:14  <sipa> suhas may not be around
2012024-05-30T14:05:48  <instagibbs> I presume #30160 and #30161 are what we should be focusing on
2022024-05-30T14:05:49  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30160 | util: add BitSet by sipa · Pull Request #30160 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2032024-05-30T14:05:50  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30161 | util: add VecDeque by sipa · Pull Request #30161 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2042024-05-30T14:06:08  <sipa> instagibbs: indeed, these got split out from #30126
2052024-05-30T14:06:10  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30126 | Low-level cluster linearization code by sipa · Pull Request #30126 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2062024-05-30T14:06:41  <sipa> 30126 can use review too, but it's big, and if desired more things can be split out from it
2072024-05-30T14:06:56  <sipa> i don't believe there are many other updates to report
2082024-05-30T14:07:27  <fjahr> #topic legacy wallet removal updates (achow101)
2092024-05-30T14:07:59  <fjahr> achow101 is also not here, anyone else can talk about the progress there?
2102024-05-30T14:09:16  <furszy> focus should be on #26596
2112024-05-30T14:09:18  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26596 | wallet: Migrate legacy wallets to descriptor wallets without requiring BDB by achow101 · Pull Request #26596 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2122024-05-30T14:10:03  <Chris_Stewart_5> hi
2132024-05-30T14:10:26  <fjahr> #topic Ad-hoc high priority for review
2142024-05-30T14:10:38  <fjahr> Anything to add or remove from https://github.com/orgs/bitcoin/projects/1/views/4
2152024-05-30T14:12:19  <laanwj> maybe #30043
2162024-05-30T14:12:21  <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30043 | net: Replace libnatpmp with built-in PCP+NATPMP implementation by laanwj · Pull Request #30043 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2172024-05-30T14:12:25  <jonatack> hi
2182024-05-30T14:13:46  <fjahr> not sure I am allowed to add stuff to the board :D
2192024-05-30T14:14:02  <laanwj> haha
2202024-05-30T14:14:35  <fjahr> we'll figure it out later, I made a note :)
2212024-05-30T14:14:49  <fanquake> added it
2222024-05-30T14:14:50  <laanwj> thank you
2232024-05-30T14:15:02  *** edilmedeiros <edilmedeiros!~jose.edil@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2242024-05-30T14:15:29  <fjahr> #topic script/chain replayor
2252024-05-30T14:15:46  <fjahr> I am working on the Testnet4 PR and it has been expressed that it may be interesting to have some edge cases in the chain that are in Testnet3 and maybe also from tests/fuzzing
2262024-05-30T14:16:10  <fjahr> My question is if there are any projects known that could help replay scripts/blocks etc. ? I didn’t find anything that could help automate this but maybe people have some creative ideas
2272024-05-30T14:17:54  <cfields> hi
2282024-05-30T14:17:57  <gmaxwell> fjahr: one could instrument the code to dump scriptpubkey/scriptsig pairs while validating, in a friendly form.  Then some work with grep to remove the boring common stuff?
2292024-05-30T14:18:46  <gmaxwell> at least to the extent that interesting stuff is pure script only. though presumably there are other things like creating and spending 0 value outputs, weird locktime/seq stuff or whatever.
2302024-05-30T14:19:19  <sipa> fjahr: can you even replay, unless coinbases are copied? or do you mean recreate them (new signatures etc)?
2312024-05-30T14:19:26  <fjahr> gmaxwell: yeah, that sounds like a good approach for some of these.
2322024-05-30T14:19:36  <gmaxwell> I think andytoshi at some point long ago had some script symbolic execution stuff that could generate signatures in a script template.
2332024-05-30T14:20:00  <gmaxwell> but there may be a number of interesting cases that just don't have any checksigs in them.
2342024-05-30T14:20:42  *** edilmedeiros <edilmedeiros!~jose.edil@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2352024-05-30T14:20:46  <fjahr> sipa: I was thinking that if I fund the coinbase addresses that are used in testnet3 in testnet4 first, I should be able to replay transactions in order but I haven't looked into it deeply yet
2362024-05-30T14:21:01  <sipa> fjahr: that does not work, the txids will differ
2372024-05-30T14:21:10  <sipa> and the txids contribute to the sighashes
2382024-05-30T14:21:14  <gmaxwell> you could copy over the entire blocks however, and replay stuff.
2392024-05-30T14:21:32  <gmaxwell> though that's a pain.
2402024-05-30T14:21:34  <sipa> yes, that works, but you cannot miss anything
2412024-05-30T14:22:14  <sipa> well, you can strip things, but for a transaction to be replayable, its entire tx dependency graph, down to all coinbase transactions it directly or indirectly uses funds from, must be replayed too
2422024-05-30T14:22:24  <fjahr> yeah, the txs will need to be adapted but they could use the same scripts
2432024-05-30T14:23:03  <gmaxwell> yes to reuse scripts you'd need to have code to resign for any checksigs. not necessarily trivial depending on what crazy things are in there.
2442024-05-30T14:23:26  <sipa> probably doable by hand if we're talking about a few dozen interesting scripts perhaps
2452024-05-30T14:23:38  <sipa> but if we're table about more, you'll want some kind of automation
2462024-05-30T14:23:40  <sipa> *able
2472024-05-30T14:23:42  <gmaxwell> yeah, first step would just be to extract and grep out the standard types.
2482024-05-30T14:23:43  <sipa> *talking
2492024-05-30T14:24:02  <gmaxwell> and ones that have no checksig are also trivial to replay.
2502024-05-30T14:24:29  <gmaxwell> but if there is stuff that is using OP_SIZE on data that also goes into checksig, gooood luck. :P
2512024-05-30T14:24:51  <gmaxwell> (I know I had constructed such things, but I don't recall if any of those went into testnet3)
2522024-05-30T14:26:53  <fjahr> Ok, too bad nobody has solved this problem already :p If someone has more ideas or wants to work on this, let me know. I will also open an issue for this topic.
2532024-05-30T14:27:16  <fjahr> Anything else to discuss?
2542024-05-30T14:27:38  <fanquake> 27.1rc1 is tagged and binaries being built. Please build & test etc. Report any regressions / issues
2552024-05-30T14:28:42  <sipa> great
2562024-05-30T14:29:43  <fjahr> #endmeeting
2572024-05-30T14:30:58  *** Emc99 <Emc99!~Emc99@> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)
2582024-05-30T14:32:31  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/0a7c650fcd32...62f7f59ff495
2592024-05-30T14:32:31  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 88cdb59 Hennadii Stepanov: clang-tidy: Add `bugprone-move-forwarding-reference` check
2602024-05-30T14:32:32  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 62f7f59 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30199: clang-tidy: Add `bugprone-move-forwarding-ref...
2612024-05-30T14:32:38  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #30199: clang-tidy: Add `bugprone-move-forwarding-reference` check (master...240530-tidy-move-fw) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30199
2622024-05-30T14:33:39  <achow101> fjahr: thanks for running the meeting
2632024-05-30T14:33:52  <gmaxwell> sneaky to show up now.
2642024-05-30T14:34:14  <achow101> lol, was getting pings on my phone
2652024-05-30T14:34:43  <fjahr> achow101: the cheatsheet made it easy :)
2662024-05-30T14:36:54  *** Chris_Stewart_5 <Chris_Stewart_5!~Chris_Ste@static-198-54-135-120.cust.tzulo.com> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2672024-05-30T14:40:35  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] BrandonOdiwuor opened pull request #30203: Enhance signet chain configuration in bitcoin.conf (master...add-signet-chain-configs) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30203
2682024-05-30T14:44:15  *** edilmedeiros <edilmedeiros!~jose.edil@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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2702024-05-30T14:49:04  <andytoshi> gmaxwell: my symbolic script execution stuff didn't get very far at all (at least, as far as its original goal of "describe a valid input for an arbitrary script). script is pretty simple to model but it's easy to get an exponential blowup in the size of the description of a valid witness
2712024-05-30T14:49:22  <andytoshi> and then when we started on miniscript i dropped all that stuff
2722024-05-30T14:50:49  <andytoshi> oh, and also i recall getting really gummed up by OP_DEPTH which is a weird opcode because it accesses a global property of the stack
2732024-05-30T15:00:24  <maflcko> fjahr: For extracting the interesting stuff for fuzzing, you can probably use the https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/blob/main/unit_test_data/script_assets_test.json json format and corresponding fuzz target with coverage compiled in
2742024-05-30T15:01:02  <maflcko> Not sure if someone already did that, but I guess it can't hurt to re-do to scan for possibly new scripts
2752024-05-30T15:02:32  *** edilmedeiros <edilmedeiros!~jose.edil@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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2772024-05-30T15:15:52  *** Lockesmith <Lockesmith!~user@gateway/tor-sasl/lockesmith> has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1)
2782024-05-30T15:16:05  <sipa> it would also be good in general to extend the python functional test code that generated those script assets (though, i'm aware it's rather dense code) in test/functional/feature_taproot.py
2792024-05-30T15:16:26  <sipa> despite the name, the framework there is not at all restricted to taproot
2802024-05-30T15:17:22  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #30204: depends: consolidate dependency docs (master...depends_docs) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30204
2812024-05-30T15:21:38  *** pablomartin <pablomartin!~pablomart@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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2862024-05-30T15:49:45  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] vasild opened pull request #30205: test: add mocked Sock that can read/write custom data and/or CNetMessages (master...DynSock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30205
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3362024-05-30T20:20:17  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] mzumsande opened pull request #30207: validation: Improve, document and test logic for chains building on invalid blocks (master...202405_invalid_chains) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30207
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3672024-05-30T22:56:47  <_aj_> gmaxwell, andytoshi: re: symbolic script execution stuff, i've found https://github.com/dgpv/bsst useful/interesting
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3742024-05-30T23:46:58  <glozow> +1, thanks fjahr!