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 952025-01-27T13:52:18  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31735: Fix compilation errors in blockchain.cpp related to serialization, UTXO dumping, and path conversion (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31735
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1012025-01-27T15:04:57  <cfields> ryanofsky: ok if I work on vendoring libmultiprocess? Or have you already started?
1022025-01-27T15:05:12  <ryanofsky> i'm basically done, about to push some prs
1032025-01-27T15:05:53  <cfields> oh great, will review yours instead then :)
1042025-01-27T15:07:17  <ryanofsky> thank you!
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1082025-01-27T15:39:00  <Sjors[m]> ryanofsky: can you do make a PR for bumping multiprocess master that's separate from vendoring?
1092025-01-27T15:39:14  <ryanofsky> yes, plan is to open two prs
1102025-01-27T15:39:24  <Sjors[m]> Thanks
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1192025-01-27T16:46:35  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky opened pull request #31740: depends: Update libmultiprocess library before converting to subtree (master...pr/bumptree) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31740
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1212025-01-27T16:48:47  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] ryanofsky opened pull request #31741: multiprocess: Add libmultiprocess git subtree (master...pr/subtree) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31741
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1242025-01-27T17:10:04  <cfields> ryanofsky: yeeesh, I didn't realize that CMake has _no concept_ of build-side tools during cross-compile :\
1252025-01-27T17:10:17  <cfields> that's... crazy. And makes this messy :(
1262025-01-27T17:11:59  *** preimage <preimage!~halosghos@user/halosghost> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1272025-01-27T17:12:25  <ryanofsky> i'm actually very happen with the current solution, there is basically very little change to anything. i was expecting it to be much messier
1282025-01-27T17:13:04  <ryanofsky> i did look into using https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/ExternalProject.html as an alternative to let cmake cross compile the code generator but by contrast that did seem very messy
1292025-01-27T17:13:20  <cfields> ok, I'll reserve judgement. It just didn't look anything like I expected because I wasn't aware of that.
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1312025-01-27T17:13:49  <cfields> right, yeah, I was just reading up on that approach.
1322025-01-27T17:20:56  <hebasto> cfields: qt resolved a similar problem by requiring to have a native qt installed before cross building
1332025-01-27T17:23:03  <cfields> hebasto: right, in the case of depends it makes sense to split them up and have them hard-coded because those steps are automated. This one unfortunately is user-facing.
1342025-01-27T17:24:33  <cfields> ryanofsky: thanks for the pr. I haven't really experimented with building this stuff that much, just once a long time ago. So I'm catching myself up now on how it all works together.
1352025-01-27T17:26:14  <ryanofsky> of course, and let me know if you run into any snags. I can probably help and also explain anything the build is doing since build system code is not the most readable
1362025-01-27T17:26:27  <fanquake> I think ideally we won’t end up with just having a 3rd different (supported) way to use multiprocess. Which would seem to be the case with this PR. Will have to look at the details tomorrow though
1372025-01-27T17:27:02  <cfields> no worries, i'll try to figure it out myself first. may take a while, but that'll force me to understand it :)
1382025-01-27T17:27:04  <cfields> right, agreed.
1392025-01-27T17:27:52  <cfields> ok, but tldr the high-level hack is that depends is using our own source-tree has a "package", right?
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1412025-01-27T17:28:19  <ryanofsky> yes, i don't see it as a hack, i think it useful to be able to use a local directory as a package and it was pretty trivial to implement
1422025-01-27T17:28:45  <cfields> nm, I see the comment now.
1432025-01-27T17:28:46  <ryanofsky> it is respecting build ids and everything so if directory contents change downstream dependencies are rebuilt
1442025-01-27T17:30:28  <cfields> ack
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1512025-01-27T17:56:40  <cfields> ryanofsky: are the generated source files platform-specific, or could they (in theory) be committed to the repo?
1522025-01-27T17:59:39  <ryanofsky> no, they are not platform specific, and you can see them by building with -DBUILD_MULTIPROCESS=ON and running find -name '*.capnp.*'
1532025-01-27T18:08:28  <cfields> hmm, I wonder if committing them would be a more reasonable approach, then? With a build target for generating them locally, same as we do for (for ex) qt translations.
1542025-01-27T18:08:43  <cfields> I assume we won't be updating them that frequently?
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1562025-01-27T18:11:40  <ryanofsky> during development they are updated every time you add a method or struct field, method parameter etc. it is definitely convenient to just update the source and just run make
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1592025-01-27T20:24:00  <sipa> i'm trying to add a new binary (just for experimentation, not something that ever needs to be PR'ed), i copied the {,src/}CMakeLists.txt logic for bitcoin-tx, and a new binary gets built which runs, but when i try to invoke any random.h function, i get this error:
1602025-01-27T20:24:04  <sipa> /usr/bin/ld: util/libbitcoin_util.a(clientversion.cpp.o): in function `std::_Function_base::_M_empty() const':
1612025-01-27T20:24:07  <sipa> /usr/include/c++/14/bits/std_function.h:247:(.text+0x12a8): undefined reference to `G_TRANSLATION_FUN[abi:cxx11]'
1622025-01-27T20:24:10  <sipa> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/include/c++/14/bits/std_function.h:247:(.text+0x1db5): undefined reference to `G_TRANSLATION_FUN[abi:cxx11]'
1632025-01-27T20:24:18  <sipa> anyone have a clue?
1642025-01-27T20:37:45  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] jurraca opened pull request #31742: contrib: fix BUILDDIR in gen-bitcoin-conf script and gen-manpages.py (master...fix-builddir) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31742
1652025-01-27T20:37:57  <glozow> sipa instagibbs i got about halfway implementing what you described (currently running fuzzer on my helper funcs). I was trying to break it this weekend and couldn’t come up with anything. (eg if peers can work together to exceed limits or keep things in orphanage forever. or if it’s possible to get into a state where we can’t find anything to evict which is where i got stuck last time I tried to make eviction smarter)
1662025-01-27T20:38:00  <ryanofsky> sipa, you need to add `#include <util/translation.h>` and `const TranslateFn G_TRANSLATION_FUN{nullptr};`
1672025-01-27T20:38:28  <ryanofsky> rn any executable which uses libbitcoin_util needs these
1682025-01-27T20:38:42  <glozow> ^just a progress report, i promise i’m working on it!
1692025-01-27T20:39:37  <sipa> ryanofsky: oh, i totally missed that G_TRANSLATION_FUN could be something in our codebase, it sounded like a strange linker magic thing
1702025-01-27T20:39:40  <sipa> thank you!
1712025-01-27T20:40:06  <sipa> glozow: cool!
1722025-01-27T20:48:16  <instagibbs> cool! I think I've convinced myself, assuming pretty reasonable assumptions, we won't do "any worse" vs today.
1732025-01-27T20:50:23  <instagibbs> Precluding the scenarios where people are doing a lot of beefy CPFPing children in a short window for whatever reason
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1752025-01-27T20:53:07  <sipa> an observation that sdaftuar which i didn't consider: generally "orphan packages" over 400 kWU will fail to reconstruct just to ancestor/descendant vsize limits in the mempool
1762025-01-27T20:53:37  <instagibbs> you're left with 4kwu after that, so it would be a weird package for sure
1772025-01-27T20:53:56  <sipa> ok, or set the reservation tot 404 kWU i guess
1782025-01-27T20:54:18  <sipa> but the point is that ~400 kWU reservation per peer should be enough, as long as there is just a single orphan package in flight at a time from any given peer
1792025-01-27T20:57:10  *** Guest27 <Guest27!~Guest27@31-10-175-29.cgn.dynamic.upc.ch> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1802025-01-27T20:57:22  <instagibbs> if the reservation was 4MWU that is ~10 max weight txns, and thus packages. If the "average case" orphan is 40kWU instead, that would put us at ~100. I think that's likely an overshoot of the actual average.
1812025-01-27T20:57:37  <sipa> indeed
1822025-01-27T20:58:24  <sipa> I still think a higher reservation for outbounds is acceptable (~4 WMU)
1832025-01-27T20:58:48  <glozow> yeah I think doing 400kwu per peer was what we were thinking, but we had been saying 10x that for outbounds
1842025-01-27T20:58:49  <instagibbs> yeah I'm referring to outbound mostly here, "one honest outbound"
1852025-01-27T20:58:59  <glozow> are we thinking we don’t need to give outbounds extra?
1862025-01-27T20:59:25  <sipa> glozow: i guess my thinking is "we don't need to give outbounds (as much) extra, but we can, so why not?
1872025-01-27T20:59:35  <instagibbs> im thinking extra like sipa says, to be clear, I just don't want to do worse if all outbounds are relatively in sync
1882025-01-27T20:59:37  <glozow> right
1892025-01-27T21:00:18  *** jespada <jespada!~jespada@2800:a4:2336:fe00:d464:ab03:58c1:4d04> has quit IRC (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1902025-01-27T21:00:34  <glozow> we could brainstorm a “popular orphan” score for automatic protection or lower likelihood of eviction maybe? but future work
1912025-01-27T21:01:16  <glozow> (to mitigate the “outbounds in sync” thing)
1922025-01-27T21:01:25  <instagibbs> yeah we can complicate things later...
1932025-01-27T21:01:34  <instagibbs> "do no harm" was my only concern for now
1942025-01-27T21:01:45  <sipa> glozow: the "evict one announcer among those whose usage/reservation ratio is maximal" idea will sort of naturally mean that things announced by many peers don't actually get evicted easily
1952025-01-27T21:01:55  <sipa> (with high probability)
1962025-01-27T21:03:05  <instagibbs> IIRC your idea means nothing would be dropped in non-attack/unusual load scenarios
1972025-01-27T21:03:06  <sipa> but it doesn't take within-peers relations into account (like one parent orphan with many child orphans... terminology is confusing, how can orphans have parents?)
1982025-01-27T21:04:37  <sipa> anyway, i don't think any of this is all that important short-term
1992025-01-27T21:12:45  *** bytes1440000 <bytes1440000!~Guest51@user/bytes1440000> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2002025-01-27T21:13:08  <bytes1440000> Banning me wont work. I don't need to explain it. Please get better at your job that you are so arrogant about. Last Pull request that got CVE in 2018 was also reviewed by sipa so..
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2122025-01-27T21:50:41  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 4 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/0a931a9787b1...b0869648aa92
2132025-01-27T21:50:42  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 91ce8ce Pieter Wuille: Add benchmark for MuHash finalization
2142025-01-27T21:50:42  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a26ce62 Pieter Wuille: Safegcd based modular inverse for Num3072
2152025-01-27T21:50:42  <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f588328 Pieter Wuille: Add a fuzz test for Num3072 multiplication and inversion
2162025-01-27T21:50:47  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #21590: Safegcd-based modular inverses in MuHash3072 (master...202101_muhash_safegcd) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21590
2172025-01-27T21:52:53  <achow101> sipa: iirc muhash is only used by the coinstats index currently?
2182025-01-27T21:53:34  <achow101> cause that was a hell of a pr for something rather inconsequential lol
2192025-01-27T21:54:07  <sipa> achow101: eh, i think at the time I wrote it was is was considered for using for other things too
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2312025-01-27T22:42:58  <btc_haircomber> hello guys
2322025-01-27T22:43:20  <btc_haircomber> anybody know about natasha otomoski
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