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512025-02-03T08:46:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #31780: MacOS updated Bitcoin-Core gui icon in accordance with Apple design docs (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31780
522025-02-03T09:07:56 *** javi404 <javi404!~quassel@2601:58b:4880:48b1:3beb:fd1f:824f:3caa> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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622025-02-03T10:12:22 <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto pushed 2 commits to main: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/compare/b4bebc316e76...765f6088d3c5
632025-02-03T10:12:22 <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main 4dea7c9 pablomartin4btc: qml, proxy: Allow IPv6 and move out UI validation
642025-02-03T10:12:23 <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main 765f608 Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui-qml#430: Allow IPv6 in Proxy settings and moving va...
652025-02-03T10:12:24 <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto merged pull request #430: Allow IPv6 in Proxy settings and moving validation out from the UI into the model/ interface (main...qml-ipaddress-allow-ipv6) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/430
662025-02-03T10:50:55 *** pyth <pyth!~pyth@user/pyth> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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802025-02-03T14:11:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] kevkevinpal opened pull request #31784: test: added additional coverage to waitforblock and waitforblockheight rpc's (master...moreTimeoutTests) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31784
812025-02-03T14:13:01 *** bitdex <bitdex!~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex> has quit IRC (Quit: = "")
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872025-02-03T14:57:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors opened pull request #31785: Have createNewBlock() ensure m_tip_block is set (master...2025/02/create_new_block) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31785
882025-02-03T15:00:49 *** dviola <dviola!~diego@user/dviola> has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1)
892025-02-03T15:27:30 <bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge merged pull request #216: add initial inputs for overflow, num3072_inv, and num3072_mul (main...main) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/pull/216
902025-02-03T15:27:34 <bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge pushed 2 commits to main: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/compare/5c026e2a97b5...ff2648d1387d
912025-02-03T15:27:34 <bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main a556f1e marcofleon: add initial inputs for overflow, num3072_inv, and num3072_mul
922025-02-03T15:27:35 <bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main ff2648d Niklas Gögge: Merge pull request #216 from marcofleon/main
932025-02-03T15:29:58 *** bugs_ <bugs_!~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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962025-02-03T15:37:59 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] 0xf58ce opened pull request #31786: list 6467600: 334knUNdf1FSCDvrYsmK3N4uGv3nJnj7a3 (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31786
972025-02-03T15:38:57 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31786: list 6467600: 334knUNdf1FSCDvrYsmK3N4uGv3nJnj7a3 (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31786
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1042025-02-03T16:11:08 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] willcl-ark opened pull request #31787: ci: run in worktrees (master...worktree-qol) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31787
1052025-02-03T16:13:18 *** jonatack <jonatack!~jonatack@user/jonatack> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1102025-02-03T16:57:03 <bitcoin-git> [gui] rhysbeynon opened pull request #851: Case fix (master...Case-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/851
1112025-02-03T16:57:57 <bitcoin-git> [gui] rhysbeynon closed pull request #851: Case fix (master...Case-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/851
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1152025-02-03T17:09:36 <bitcoin-git> [gui] rhysbeynon opened pull request #852: Updated MacOS icon to more closely fit Apple's design standards (master...updated-icns) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/852
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1222025-02-03T17:22:25 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Sjors closed pull request #31763: Pass custom DEP_OPTS and CONFIG_FLAGS to guix-build (master...2025/01/guix-config-flags) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31763
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1322025-02-03T18:02:41 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] MonkeyKing44 opened pull request #31788: Corrected typos (master...fix/tps) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31788
1332025-02-03T18:07:54 *** Cory44 <Cory44!~Cory@user/pasha> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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1472025-02-03T18:45:17 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Hack666r opened pull request #31789: Typos fix (master...fix/errr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31789
1482025-02-03T18:45:33 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] petryshkaCODE opened pull request #31790: Fixed typos (master...fixing/err) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31790
1492025-02-03T18:53:58 <lightlike> typo spam-bots?
1502025-02-03T18:55:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #31789: . (master...fix/errr) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31789
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1532025-02-03T18:56:25 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #31790: . (master...fixing/err) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31790
1542025-02-03T18:57:13 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #31788: . (master...fix/tps) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31788
1552025-02-03T18:59:20 <darosior> Looks like it.
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1572025-02-03T19:04:13 *** Guyver2 <Guyver2!Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net> has left #bitcoin-core-dev (Closing Window)
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1602025-02-03T19:26:47 <darosior> People who were around then, how did BIP113 deal with the upgrade issues mentioned in ConnectBlock? (It only check if a bad block wasn't let in using CheckBlock, not CtxCheckBlock[Header].) It seems the PR that implemented it only had a check in CtxCheckBlock() and none in ConnectBlock() so in theory an invalid block post-activation could have been
1612025-02-03T19:26:47 <darosior> accepted by an earlier version and then connected by a later version? https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6566
1622025-02-03T19:42:00 <darosior> Another soft fork since the separation of CtxCheckBlock that introduced new rules there is Segwit. But for Segwit the RewindBlockIndex mechanism introduced in 6032f6930a56c107dad8f30c05fec4aab79c8c22 dealt with this.
1632025-02-03T19:57:00 <sipa> darosior: we have generally never implemented a "check if old accepted blocks prior to a softfork are valid post-software"; the assumption is that the active main chain is the same before and after
1642025-02-03T19:57:38 <sipa> for segwit things were different, because the serialization format changed, and it we needed to make sure that if someone upgraded to segwit after activation, they actually have the full block data available to serve to others
1652025-02-03T20:00:04 <darosior> sipa: Then why is it mentioned as a concern here? https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/1172bc4157eefe80d1aaf0b56459857ec651e535/src/validation.cpp#L2453-L2465
1662025-02-03T20:00:18 <darosior> Well there, as well as in CtxCheckBlock and CtxCheckBlockHeader
1672025-02-03T20:00:40 <darosior> Warning comment introduced in https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/11737
1682025-02-03T20:01:14 <sipa> darosior: i don't see how the presence of a warning invalidates anything i said? :)
1692025-02-03T20:01:33 <darosior> Fair enough :)
1702025-02-03T20:01:38 <sipa> it's a concern for sure, but apart from segwit, we've never actually implemented re-validation of old softforks
1712025-02-03T20:01:44 <sipa> to the best of my knowledge
1722025-02-03T20:02:10 <darosior> Ok, thanks
1732025-02-03T20:04:06 <sipa> hmm, perhaps the header-impacting aspects for BIP34, BIP65, and BIP66 (the fact that after 950 out of the past 1000 blocks signal, all blocks are required to signal) could be considered a re-validation aspect
1742025-02-03T20:04:56 <sipa> i'm now somewhat curious what would have happened if you upgraded to BIP66 while you were on the forked chain that it caused
1752025-02-03T20:06:12 <darosior> Wouldn't you just have marked the chain as invalid since the check happens in ConnectBlock() in the first place? (in scripts)
1762025-02-03T20:06:35 <sipa> i *just* mean the header aspect
1772025-02-03T20:06:42 <sipa> not the script validation rule
1782025-02-03T20:07:44 <sipa> my thinking is that the first time you start up with BIP66-enforcing software, you'd have a chainstate whose tip points to a block whose headers chain is invalid, in this setting
1792025-02-03T20:12:49 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] darosior opened pull request #31792: Double check all block rules in `ConnectBlock`, not only `CheckBlock` (master...2502_ctx_checks_in_connectblock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31792
1802025-02-03T20:13:07 <darosior> RFC ^
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1822025-02-03T20:22:42 <bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] murchandamus opened pull request #217: Add Murchâs inputs February 2025 (main...2025-02-murch-inputs) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/pull/217
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2042025-02-03T23:16:11 <eugenesiegel> Would anybody know why specifically v27.0 nodes would disconnect inbound connections for not writing after 30 seconds? It doesn't happen with other versions and it happens with quite a few nodes. I didn't see anything in the changelog about any sort of write timeout being changed and I don't see anywhere in the code where a 30 second timeout is
2052025-02-03T23:16:11 <eugenesiegel> used. Additionally, if I write a spam message on the connection, the node doesn't disconnect me.
2062025-02-03T23:34:06 <sipa> eugenesiegel: and this doesn't happen with 26.0?
2072025-02-03T23:34:59 <sipa> also, have you tried 28.0?
2082025-02-03T23:37:30 *** _flood <_flood!flooded@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/flood/x-43489060> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2092025-02-03T23:39:19 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] tdb3 closed pull request #30941: test: simplify timewarp test (master...20240921_simplify_timewarp_tests) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30941
2102025-02-03T23:40:16 <eugenesiegel> I couldn't reproduce locally when I checked out v27.0. It doesn't happen with remote nodes on 26.0 or 28.0, only nodes on 27.0 from what I can tell. It's also about 800 of these 27.0 nodes
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