12025-02-20T00:16:55 *** jonatack <jonatack!~jonatack@user/jonatack> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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172025-02-20T04:57:46 <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] johnny9 opened pull request #445: qml: Introduce Send pages for singlesig, sigle input/output send (main...send-pr) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/445
182025-02-20T05:01:01 *** cmirror <cmirror!~cmirror@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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862025-02-20T14:37:02 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/e606c577cb25...58f15d4b2157
872025-02-20T14:37:02 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master eb540a2 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Remove `core_sanitizer_{cxx,linker}_flags` helper variables
882025-02-20T14:37:03 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c4c5cf1 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Fix passing `APPEND_*FLAGS` to `secp256k1` subtree
892025-02-20T14:37:03 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 58f15d4 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31379: cmake: Fix passing `APPEND_*FLAGS` to `secp25...
902025-02-20T14:37:04 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31379: cmake: Fix passing `APPEND_*FLAGS` to `secp256k1` subtree (master...241127-append-cflags) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31379
912025-02-20T14:45:49 *** piku <piku!~piku@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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942025-02-20T15:02:20 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] stephenmiracle4 opened pull request #31914: i deleted a commented line in invalid_signer.py file (master...mimibest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31914
952025-02-20T15:03:23 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31914: i deleted a commented line in invalid_signer.py file (master...mimibest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31914
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982025-02-20T15:06:20 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] stephenmiracle4 opened pull request #31915: i deleted a commented line in invalid_signer.py file (master...mimibest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31915
992025-02-20T15:06:30 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31915: i deleted a commented line in invalid_signer.py file (master...mimibest) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31915
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1042025-02-20T15:14:55 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31850: ci: switch MSAN to use prebuilt Clang binaries (master...prebuilt_clang) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31850
1052025-02-20T15:22:06 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #30727: rpc: add address_type field in getaddressinfo (master...2024-08-add-address-type-to-getaddressinfo) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30727
1062025-02-20T15:22:36 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31209: test: cover edge case for lockunspent rpc (master...test-negative-vout) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31209
1072025-02-20T15:25:52 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31353: rpc, cli: add getbalances#total, and use it for -getinfo (master...2024-11-total-wallet-balance) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31353
1082025-02-20T15:30:25 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31292: Add `contrib/justfile` containing useful development workflow commands. (master...justfile) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31292
1092025-02-20T15:33:47 *** abubakarsadiq <abubakarsadiq!uid602234@id-602234.hampstead.irccloud.com> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1102025-02-20T15:34:54 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31670: doc: navigate section links (master...sectionlinks) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31670
1112025-02-20T15:55:08 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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1142025-02-20T16:00:08 <vasild_> Just a note that #bitcoin-core-network-layer-optimizations exists to discuss "Interested in Learning More About ... Network layer optimizations" from https://adamjonas.com/bitcoin/coredev/retro/coredev-2024-retro/
1152025-02-20T16:00:29 <achow101> #startmeeting
1162025-02-20T16:00:29 <corebot> achow101: Meeting started at 2025-02-20T16:00+0000
1172025-02-20T16:00:30 <corebot> achow101: Current chairs: achow101
1182025-02-20T16:00:31 <corebot> achow101: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting
1192025-02-20T16:00:32 <corebot> achow101: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
1202025-02-20T16:00:33 <glozow> hi
1212025-02-20T16:00:33 <cfields> hi
1222025-02-20T16:00:34 <corebot> achow101: Participants should now identify themselves with '#here' or with an alias like '#here FirstLast'
1232025-02-20T16:00:36 <achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: abubakarsadiq achow101 _aj_ ajonas b10c brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jarolrod jonatack josibake kanzure laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr maflcko marcofleon maxedw Murch pinheadmz provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi tdb3 theStack TheCharlatan vasild willcl-ark
1242025-02-20T16:00:38 <jonatack> hi
1252025-02-20T16:00:41 <sipa> hi
1262025-02-20T16:00:42 <hebasto> hi
1272025-02-20T16:00:47 <abubakarsadiq> hi
1282025-02-20T16:00:50 <dzxzg> hi
1292025-02-20T16:00:52 <achow101> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add?
1302025-02-20T16:01:01 <lightlike> hi
1312025-02-20T16:01:02 <pinheadmz> yo
1322025-02-20T16:01:04 <jarolrod> hi
1332025-02-20T16:01:09 <brunoerg> hi
1342025-02-20T16:01:09 <fjahr> hi
1352025-02-20T16:01:11 <Murch[m]> hi
1362025-02-20T16:01:14 <_aj_> what? it's daytime
1372025-02-20T16:01:27 <glozow> achow101: we should talk about 29.0?
1382025-02-20T16:01:35 <achow101> glozow: yes, after wg updates
1392025-02-20T16:01:43 <glozow> ð
1402025-02-20T16:01:51 <sr_gi[m]> hi
1412025-02-20T16:01:55 <achow101> #topic Erlay WG Update (sr_gi, gleb, marcofleon)
1422025-02-20T16:02:18 <kevkevin_> hi
1432025-02-20T16:02:27 <vasild_> hi
1442025-02-20T16:02:41 <stickies-v> hi
1452025-02-20T16:02:51 <sr_gi[m]> We have been exploring a recent idea from @sipa for when to send out, and respond to reconciliation requests. The preliminary results looked promising on my end, and @gleb have also double checked this on his. I think this is a good enough approach to start moving into testing this with real nodes, either in a small deployment or using Warnet, so we are likely to start moving towards implementing this now
1462025-02-20T16:02:54 <vasild_> #here
1472025-02-20T16:03:53 <sr_gi[m]> That's me, i'll be sharing more concrete results once I have them written down
1482025-02-20T16:03:56 *** vasild_ is now known as vasild
1492025-02-20T16:04:17 <achow101> #topic Cluster Mempool WG Update (sdaftuar, sipa)
1502025-02-20T16:04:27 <TheCharlatan> hi
1512025-02-20T16:04:44 <kanzure> hi
1522025-02-20T16:05:08 <sipa> not much to report; i'm addressing review comments (mostly by abubakarsadiq) on #31363, which remains the thing to review, but i'm starting to think it's unlikely to make it in for 29.0 ;)
1532025-02-20T16:05:12 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31363 | cluster mempool: introduce TxGraph by sipa · Pull Request #31363 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1542025-02-20T16:05:34 <instagibbs> 30.0, I can feel it
1552025-02-20T16:06:02 <sipa> that's it for me
1562025-02-20T16:06:29 <achow101> #topic Kernel WG Update (TheCharlatan)
1572025-02-20T16:07:10 *** purpleKarrot <purpleKarrot!~purpleKar@user/purpleKarrot> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1582025-02-20T16:07:34 <TheCharlatan> had some conceptual discussions in the relationship of assumeutxo and the kernel lib, other than that looking for review in #31382
1592025-02-20T16:07:37 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31382 | kernel: Flush in ChainstateManager destructor by TheCharlatan · Pull Request #31382 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1602025-02-20T16:08:03 <TheCharlatan> that's all :)
1612025-02-20T16:08:04 <achow101> #topic MuSig2 WG Update (achow101)
1622025-02-20T16:08:22 <achow101> The BIP test vectors have been merged.
1632025-02-20T16:08:27 <achow101> The three current PRs (can go in any order) are #31622, #31243, and #31247. They have all been getting review, and all seem possibly close to being merged, but probably after branch off.
1642025-02-20T16:08:33 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31622 | psbt: add non-default sighash types to PSBTs and unify sighash type match checking by achow101 · Pull Request #31622 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1652025-02-20T16:08:34 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31243 | descriptor: Move filling of keys from `DescriptorImpl::MakeScripts` to `PubkeyProvider::GetPubKey` by achow101 · Pull Request #31243 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1662025-02-20T16:08:36 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31247 | psbt: MuSig2 Fields by achow101 · Pull Request #31247 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1672025-02-20T16:08:40 <achow101> #topic Legacy Wallet Removal WG Update (achow101)
1682025-02-20T16:08:41 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] laanwj opened pull request #31916: init: Handle dropped UPnP support more gracefully (master...2025-02-upnp-setting-upgrade) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31916
1692025-02-20T16:08:53 <achow101> #31495 was merged, we're quite close to finally killing the legacy wallet
1702025-02-20T16:08:58 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31495 | wallet: Utilize IsMine() and CanProvide() in migration to cover edge cases by achow101 · Pull Request #31495 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1712025-02-20T16:09:03 <cfields> ð
1722025-02-20T16:09:04 <achow101> There's only 2 main PRs remaining in this project, #31250 is next and it disables the legacy wallet. The last PR is #28710 which deletes the legacy wallet and BDB.
1732025-02-20T16:09:07 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31250 | wallet: Disable creating and loading legacy wallets by achow101 · Pull Request #31250 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1742025-02-20T16:09:09 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28710 | Remove the legacy wallet and BDB dependency by achow101 · Pull Request #28710 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1752025-02-20T16:09:18 <b10c> hi
1762025-02-20T16:09:29 <achow101> I think we'll probably miss 29.0 for this.
1772025-02-20T16:09:36 *** michael__ <michael__!sid690039@id-690039.helmsley.irccloud.com> has quit IRC ()
1782025-02-20T16:09:37 <sipa> A recurring theme.
1792025-02-20T16:09:45 <achow101> #topic orphan resolution WG Update (glozow)
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1812025-02-20T16:10:01 *** michael__ <michael__!sid690039@id-690039.helmsley.irccloud.com> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1822025-02-20T16:10:02 <glozow> I've been selling #31829 as a "bug fix" after seeing https://delvingbitcoin.org/t/stats-on-orphanage-overflows/1421. But it's not a regression (orphanage has just always been bad). Also, over the past week, I've been finding some concerning bounds related to worksets and block handling, which is why it has a few extra commits now. This makes me feel like it'd be too rushed for v29 so I have removed it from the milestone.
1832025-02-20T16:10:05 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31829 | p2p: improve TxOrphanage denial of service bounds and increase -maxorphantxs by glozow · Pull Request #31829 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1842025-02-20T16:10:08 *** Emc99 <Emc99!~Emc99@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1852025-02-20T16:10:29 <glozow> Also, I've been discussing some other approaches with sipa - maybe we can huddle on it at coredev. So perhaps the extra time will lead to a neater solution. I've also been told the iterators are massively confusing, heh.
1862025-02-20T16:10:49 <glozow> Sorry to add it to the "missed v29" pile
1872025-02-20T16:11:03 <sipa> 30.0 will be a banger
1882025-02-20T16:11:10 <glozow> sipa: yes
1892025-02-20T16:11:12 <jonatack> PR salesmanship FTW
1902025-02-20T16:12:20 <achow101> #topic QML GUI WG Update (jarolrod)
1912025-02-20T16:12:30 <jarolrod> We set up the working group and have had pretty interesting conversations over there, energy all over the place :D
1922025-02-20T16:12:35 <jarolrod> (again message me if you want in)
1932025-02-20T16:12:50 <jarolrod> First week of convos led to the realization that a few key points should be made clear:
1942025-02-20T16:12:59 <Murch[m]> #proposedmeetingtopic BIP3
1952025-02-20T16:12:59 <corebot> Murch[m]: Unknown command: #proposedmeetingtopic
1962025-02-20T16:13:05 <jarolrod> 1. The QML GUI is being developed as a drop in replacement for the Qt Widgets GUI first and foremost, that means the intention is that (after Qt6), the QML GUI could be dropped in and the Qt Widgets GUI removed as a clean swap. Thatâs the only goal for when itâs ready to be included into the main repo.
1972025-02-20T16:13:14 <jarolrod> This comparison table has features from the Qt Widgets GUI mapped to support in the QML GUI; note that this table also has some future ambitions in it (such as silent payments, android): https://bitcoincore.app/features/
1982025-02-20T16:13:31 <jarolrod> 2. Weâve obviously been pretty vocal about other future ambitions such as the GUI on Android, which already had been the case with the Qt Widgets GUI (minus stability and persistence that weâve added with an android specific file https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/blob/main/src/qt/android/AndroidManifest.xml), but it would actually be useful like a smartphone app is with the QML GUI thanks to the design work and
1992025-02-20T16:13:31 <jarolrod> the QML framework.
2002025-02-20T16:13:42 <jarolrod> This is a future ambition, but as an ambition the design work and some code begins to reflect that future ambition. This doesnât influence the main goal of getting this in as a replacement for the Qt Widgets GUI, and if there is strong objection to supporting android, this ambition can be clipped.
2012025-02-20T16:13:56 <jarolrod> Josie put together a gist with some thoughts of core on Android, which is a good place to put any hard objections to this ambition: https://gist.github.com/josibake/b4743867d15765c83da1c62d23557699
2022025-02-20T16:14:09 <jarolrod> (I would note you want to think about android as a diverse computing platform, its not only phones)
2032025-02-20T16:14:24 <jarolrod> And also check out this prototype for how the wallet would look on mobile: https://lively-kashata-cfde7e.netlify.app/screen/send
2042025-02-20T16:14:34 <jarolrod> so think of qml gui just replacement for qt widgets gui!
2052025-02-20T16:14:45 <jarolrod> Johnny has an update on dev
2062025-02-20T16:15:09 <jarolrod> johnny9dev: ^
2072025-02-20T16:15:59 <jarolrod> he's having issues with is irc lol
2082025-02-20T16:16:04 <achow101> he's not logged in
2092025-02-20T16:16:05 <jarolrod> johnny9dev: Hi guys, Iâm Johnny. Iâve been contributing to the qml project for sometime now working with the designers to translate their designs into our QML views. The last week I was focused on the PR âIntroduce Send pages for singlesig, sigle input/output sendâ (https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/445). There are still some UX pieces to address with this PR before merging but the core components and
2102025-02-20T16:16:06 <jarolrod> modules are in place for it to complete the feature
2112025-02-20T16:16:29 <jarolrod> we also had discussions on the website redesign, so join the wg if you have any opinions on that
2122025-02-20T16:16:31 <jarolrod> fin!
2132025-02-20T16:16:48 *** johnny9dev <johnny9dev!uid604323@id-604323.uxbridge.irccloud.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Updating details, brb)
2142025-02-20T16:16:50 <achow101> big update, thanks!
2152025-02-20T16:16:53 <glozow> by website design, which website do you mean?
2162025-02-20T16:16:58 *** johnny9dev <johnny9dev!johnny9dev@id-604323.uxbridge.irccloud.com> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2172025-02-20T16:17:00 <jarolrod> bitcoincore.org
2182025-02-20T16:17:13 <achow101> #topic 29.0 feature freeze
2192025-02-20T16:17:38 *** GRM28 <GRM28!~GRM28@2405:201:3017:40e9:fc9b:5c2f:d5e8:fdf4> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2202025-02-20T16:17:42 <glozow> jarolrod: is that related to the gui? I'm confused by that
2212025-02-20T16:18:02 <glozow> I didn't know we were redesigning bitcoincore.org :O
2222025-02-20T16:18:37 <jarolrod> glozow: I posted a video before here, it's not related to the gui, its adjacent, we got good feedback on how the website could better help current contributors from Murch[m]
2232025-02-20T16:18:47 *** GRM28 <GRM28!~GRM28@2405:201:3017:40e9:fc9b:5c2f:d5e8:fdf4> has quit IRC (Client Quit)
2242025-02-20T16:19:00 <achow101> The schedule says that today is feature freeze. Are the 5 PRs remaining in the milestone all bug fixes?
2252025-02-20T16:19:02 <johnny9dev> hi
2262025-02-20T16:19:39 <glozow> achow101: from what I can tell, those 5 should stay for 29
2272025-02-20T16:19:43 <achow101> #31161 #31407 #30861 #31662 #31884
2282025-02-20T16:19:45 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31161 | cmake: Set top-level target output locations by hebasto · Pull Request #31161 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2292025-02-20T16:19:46 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31407 | guix: Notarize MacOS app bundle and codesign all MacOS and Windows binaries by achow101 · Pull Request #31407 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2302025-02-20T16:19:49 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30861 | build: Enhance Ccache performance across worktrees and build trees by hebasto · Pull Request #30861 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2312025-02-20T16:19:51 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31662 | cmake: Do not modify `CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE` globally by hebasto · Pull Request #31662 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2322025-02-20T16:19:52 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31884 | cmake: Make implicit `libbitcoinkernel` dependencies explicit by hebasto · Pull Request #31884 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2332025-02-20T16:19:55 <achow101> Basically all build system stuff
2342025-02-20T16:20:00 <hebasto> and https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/milestone/14
2352025-02-20T16:20:19 <Murch[m]> just to reiterate, my feedback was that one of the main objectives should be that it continues to be low maintenance, and yeah, the RPC docs being easier to navigate would be cool
2362025-02-20T16:20:34 <glozow> Is https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/issues/843 a bugfix?
2372025-02-20T16:20:39 <sipa> i wouldn't call 31161 a bug fix, but it is something we should decide to do or not for 29.0
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2392025-02-20T16:21:21 <glozow> 31161 seems very close
2402025-02-20T16:21:24 *** johnny9dev <johnny9dev!johnny9dev@user/johnny9dev> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2412025-02-20T16:21:53 <achow101> #31916 was just opened for the upnp issue
2422025-02-20T16:21:54 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31916 | init: Handle dropped UPnP support more gracefully by laanwj · Pull Request #31916 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2432025-02-20T16:22:10 <hebasto> glozow: I think so
2442025-02-20T16:22:11 <cfields> The fact that it's mostly buildsystem stuff remaining not really surprising imo as it's for sure an artifact of CMake going in for v29. It should calm way down for v30.
2452025-02-20T16:23:01 <sipa> yeah
2462025-02-20T16:23:03 <sipa> we may also see increased reports/issues after release candidates due to the build system change
2472025-02-20T16:23:27 <cfields> Yeah, and I expect rc1 may be a bit bumpy.
2482025-02-20T16:23:31 <achow101> For 31161, it's not symlinking the old binary locations?
2492025-02-20T16:23:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] l0rinc opened pull request #31917: fuzz: provide more realistic values to the base58(check) decoders (master...l0rinc/base-encoding-input-fuzz-size-reduction) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31917
2502025-02-20T16:24:11 <glozow> Not surprised by the list, CMake is probably the biggest change for this release
2512025-02-20T16:24:27 <hebasto> achow101: that commit was reverted as not quite portable
2522025-02-20T16:24:47 <glozow> Who is available to review #31916?
2532025-02-20T16:24:49 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31916 | init: Handle dropped UPnP support more gracefully by laanwj · Pull Request #31916 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2542025-02-20T16:24:58 <cfields> achow101: hebasto removed the symlinking as it had issues (multi-config, windows), and fanquake didn't like the idea of supporting back-compat forever.
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2562025-02-20T16:25:31 <dzxzg> I can take a look at 31916 (davidgumberg)
2572025-02-20T16:25:42 <glozow> Is there anything that is close to merge but not on the milestone? Let's get those in today.
2582025-02-20T16:25:43 <jarolrod> glozow: ð§¤
2592025-02-20T16:25:49 <sipa> dzxzg: you are david gumberg?
2602025-02-20T16:25:58 <dergoegge> #31649
2612025-02-20T16:26:01 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31649 | consensus: Remove checkpoints (take 2) by marcofleon · Pull Request #31649 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2622025-02-20T16:26:20 <dzxzg> sipa Yes :)
2632025-02-20T16:26:31 <sipa> dzxzg: ah, good to know!
2642025-02-20T16:26:41 <stickies-v> i can also look at 31916
2652025-02-20T16:26:47 <dergoegge> Or if not I would like to understand why it's not being considered
2662025-02-20T16:26:56 <achow101> dergoegge: the intention is to merge after branching
2672025-02-20T16:27:02 <dergoegge> yea but why?
2682025-02-20T16:27:42 <dzxzg> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31649#issuecomment-2663967294
2692025-02-20T16:27:56 <achow101> fundamentally, it changes the security model, and so it should require additional testing in master
2702025-02-20T16:28:26 <achow101> we're removing checks, and even though we think they're redundant, they might not be
2712025-02-20T16:28:30 <instagibbs> if it were costly to maintain until branch off I may be persuaded, but I don't see the rush
2722025-02-20T16:28:42 <glozow> It would be nice to see more testing of IBD with 31649
2732025-02-20T16:28:48 <dergoegge> it has acks, how is this rushed?
2742025-02-20T16:28:56 <dergoegge> pre-sync has been merged for 2.5 years
2752025-02-20T16:29:07 <abubakarsadiq> glozow: I think #29278 is close can you take a look, it closes an issue you opened last year ?
2762025-02-20T16:29:10 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29278 | Wallet: Add `maxfeerate` wallet startup option by ismaelsadeeq · Pull Request #29278 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2772025-02-20T16:29:13 <instagibbs> ok, I'll take away my ack and re-ack tomorrow :P
2782025-02-20T16:29:13 *** purpleKarrot <purpleKarrot!~purpleKar@user/purpleKarrot> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2792025-02-20T16:29:17 <dergoegge> what additional testing are we expecting?
2802025-02-20T16:29:41 <achow101> dergoegge: for me, it's not about whether pre-sync works or doesn't, but rather whether checkpoints is catching some issue that we won't realize until its gone
2812025-02-20T16:29:51 <glozow> has anybody done a full IBD with it?
2822025-02-20T16:30:06 <glozow> not that that's a sufficient test, just wondering
2832025-02-20T16:30:24 <achow101> in any case, one of the acks says merge after branching, which means it shouldn't be counted at this time
2842025-02-20T16:30:26 <sipa> agree with achow101
2852025-02-20T16:30:32 <lightlike> also, it doesn't have any direct benefit to users, the benefit is more of a long-term cleanup one, so I see no need to have it in a specific release.
2862025-02-20T16:30:42 <stickies-v> +1 instagibbs . I don't think anyone needs this urgently, so as long as it doesn't interfere with our maintenance burden too much it seems more careful to do it after branch off
2872025-02-20T16:31:10 <dergoegge> it's not about urgency just seems weird to have "i have concerns" and "seems good to wait" without elaboration hold it up
2882025-02-20T16:31:29 <achow101> was that not enough elaboration?
2892025-02-20T16:31:42 <glozow> It's on 30.0, which means it'll be merged right after branch off.
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2922025-02-20T16:32:33 <sipa> dergoegge: i don't think there is anything wrong with aiming to have big changes merged early in a release cycle, so they get a few months extra testing, whatever that means
2932025-02-20T16:33:05 <sipa> and "what additional testing are we expecting", well, we don't know, that's the point
2942025-02-20T16:33:13 <jonatack> for v29, when is the deadline for dns hardcoded seeds updating? i don't recall if it is feature freeze or can be later
2952025-02-20T16:33:21 <sipa> if we could perfectly reason about all potential impacts this could have, it'd be merged already
2962025-02-20T16:33:39 <achow101> jonatack: before rc1 generally
2972025-02-20T16:33:52 <glozow> before branch off would be my preference
2982025-02-20T16:33:59 <jonatack> ty
2992025-02-20T16:34:08 <_aj_> is there any benefit to having them removed in 29.0?
3002025-02-20T16:34:50 <glozow> _aj_: I think no, similar to lightlike's point. I don't think any users would be upset that they don't get this in v29
3012025-02-20T16:35:15 <glozow> jonatack: can I assume you're opening a PR for it?
3022025-02-20T16:36:15 <dergoegge> it's just about understanding the acceptance criteria for me here
3032025-02-20T16:36:15 <dergoegge> no rush or benefit to have it in 29
3042025-02-20T16:36:15 <dergoegge> I just don't see a reason to wait after all the work that went into it already, but multiple people disagree and that's fine too
3052025-02-20T16:36:30 <achow101> Murch[m]: is that topic for today?
3062025-02-20T16:36:34 <Murch[m]> yes
3072025-02-20T16:36:41 <jonatack> glozow: hardcoded dns seeds, can do if achow101 doesn't. i have a cjdns node that was removed due to it becoming a pruned node, but it's back to full archival now.
3082025-02-20T16:37:29 <achow101> #topic BIP3 (Murch[m])
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3102025-02-20T16:38:04 <Murch[m]> Hey, I announced a while back that my BIP3, the new BIP Process Proposal is getting somewhere
3112025-02-20T16:38:10 <Murch[m]> Iâm done with my planned work on it
3122025-02-20T16:38:24 *** rkrux <rkrux!~rkrux@user/rkrux> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
3132025-02-20T16:38:27 <Murch[m]> So, as Bitcoin developers, if you are interested in the BIP Process, I would like to invite you to review and leave feedback
3142025-02-20T16:38:51 <glozow> Murch[m]: thanks for working on that!
3152025-02-20T16:38:53 <sipa> the PR being https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1712 ?
3162025-02-20T16:38:55 <achow101> neat
3172025-02-20T16:38:56 <Murch[m]> if you think itâs something you would like to have, I would also appreciate if you left a comment to indicate your support ,since there seems to be some lethargy with getting it merged as draft
3182025-02-20T16:38:59 <Murch[m]> thatâs all
3192025-02-20T16:39:04 <Murch[m]> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1712
3202025-02-20T16:39:14 <jonatack> Murch[m]: i'll start reviewing it ;)
3212025-02-20T16:39:32 <sipa> Murch[m]: do you prefer feedback on the PR, or on the ML?
3222025-02-20T16:39:45 <Murch[m]> Either is good
3232025-02-20T16:40:03 <Murch[m]> I anticipate the next step for it to be merged as Draft
3242025-02-20T16:40:21 <Murch[m]> then it would move to Proposed after addressing any feedback it might get from there
3252025-02-20T16:40:29 <Murch[m]> then I would like to move to propose activating it
3262025-02-20T16:41:09 <sipa> great
3272025-02-20T16:41:20 <achow101> Any other topics to discuss?
3282025-02-20T16:41:35 <_aj_> ð
3292025-02-20T16:41:48 <cfields> No IRC meeting next week I assume?
3302025-02-20T16:42:02 <achow101> cfields: I think that's a good assumption
3312025-02-20T16:42:46 <achow101> #endmeeting
3322025-02-20T16:42:46 <corebot> achow101: Meeting ended at 2025-02-20T16:42+0000
3332025-02-20T16:42:47 <corebot> achow101: Raw log: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-02-20_16_00.log.json
3342025-02-20T16:42:48 <corebot> achow101: Formatted log: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-02-20_16_00.log.html
3352025-02-20T16:42:49 <corebot> achow101: Minutes: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-02-20_16_00.html
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3432025-02-20T17:08:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/58f15d4b2157...eb51963d870d
3442025-02-20T17:08:43 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3fd64ef Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Avoid using `OBJECT` libraries
3452025-02-20T17:08:43 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 3b42e05 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Make implicit `libbitcoinkernel` dependencies explicit
3462025-02-20T17:08:43 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master eb51963 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31884: cmake: Make implicit `libbitcoinkernel` depen...
3472025-02-20T17:08:45 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31884: cmake: Make implicit `libbitcoinkernel` dependencies explicit (master...250216-optimize-deps) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31884
3482025-02-20T17:10:20 *** jonatack <jonatack!~jonatack@user/jonatack> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3492025-02-20T17:10:49 <bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto opened pull request #854: qt: Update `src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf` after string freeze (master...250220-tr) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/854
3502025-02-20T17:12:06 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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3522025-02-20T17:13:15 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #28488: p2p: Evict outbound peers with high minFeeRate (master...2023-9-evict-minfee) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28488
3532025-02-20T17:18:39 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/eb51963d870d...f236854a5bde
3542025-02-20T17:18:40 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 758a93d LÅrinc: doc: update translation generation cmake example
3552025-02-20T17:18:40 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master f236854 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31731: doc: update translation generation cmake exam...
3562025-02-20T17:18:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31731: doc: update translation generation cmake example (master...l0rinc/dev-mode-translation-doc-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31731
3572025-02-20T17:22:25 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/f236854a5bde...82ba9257157e
3582025-02-20T17:22:26 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9e4a4b4 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Check `-Wno-*` compiler options for `leveldb` target
3592025-02-20T17:22:26 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 82ba925 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31366: cmake: Check `-Wno-*` compiler options for `l...
3602025-02-20T17:22:29 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31366: cmake: Check `-Wno-*` compiler options for `leveldb` target (master...241125-nowarn) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31366
3612025-02-20T17:31:51 *** zeropoint <zeropoint!~alex@45-28-139-114.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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3632025-02-20T17:37:05 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #30203: Enhance signet chain configuration in bitcoin.conf (master...add-signet-chain-configs) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30203
3642025-02-20T17:39:29 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29050: Add OP_TXHASH and OP_CHECKTXHASHVERIFY opcodes (master...txhash) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29050
3652025-02-20T17:41:52 *** brunoerg_ <brunoerg_!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
3662025-02-20T17:43:41 *** Cory95 <Cory95!~Cory95@user/pasha> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)
3672025-02-20T17:43:45 *** brunoerg_ <brunoerg_!~brunoerg@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3692025-02-20T17:44:11 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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3772025-02-20T17:49:17 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3782025-02-20T17:49:32 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29269: Add OP_INTERNALKEY for Tapscript (master...ikey-master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29269
3792025-02-20T17:49:46 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
3802025-02-20T17:49:49 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29270: Implement OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK(VERIFY) (master...csfs-master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29270
3812025-02-20T17:50:55 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3852025-02-20T17:53:27 *** Christoph_ <Christoph_!~Christoph@ip5f5bfbcd.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de> has quit IRC (Quit: Christoph_)
3862025-02-20T17:54:05 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3912025-02-20T17:57:13 *** WizJin <WizJin!~Wizzy@user/WizJin> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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4002025-02-20T18:05:19 *** WizJin <WizJin!~Wizzy@user/WizJin> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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4052025-02-20T18:23:43 *** Talkless <Talkless!~Talkless@mail.dargis.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
4062025-02-20T18:30:49 *** brunoerg_ <brunoerg_!~brunoerg@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
4072025-02-20T18:33:54 *** jonatack <jonatack!~jonatack@user/jonatack> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
4082025-02-20T18:34:00 *** purpleKarrot <purpleKarrot!~purpleKar@user/purpleKarrot> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)
4092025-02-20T18:38:06 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29492: refactor: Remove redundant definitions (master...redundant-definitions) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29492
4102025-02-20T18:39:23 *** jespada <jespada!~jespada@2800:a4:2260:db00:50cc:cb35:ec3:ab9d> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
4112025-02-20T18:42:26 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/82ba9257157e...46a9c73083e0
4122025-02-20T18:42:26 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master fa8de47 MarcoFalke: ci: Switch to gcr.io mirror to avoid rate limits
4132025-02-20T18:42:27 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 46a9c73 merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31906: ci: Switch to gcr.io mirror to avoid rate lim...
4142025-02-20T18:42:30 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31906: ci: Switch to gcr.io mirror to avoid rate limits (master...2502-ci-rate) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31906
4152025-02-20T18:47:30 *** Napster <Napster!~Napster@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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4172025-02-20T18:54:04 *** Christoph_ <Christoph_!~Christoph@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:c3e:eede:32ad:b4bb> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
4182025-02-20T18:58:00 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #28241: Silent payment index (for light wallets and consistency check) (master...2023/08/silent-index) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28241
4192025-02-20T19:02:14 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29280: Implement OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (master...ctv-master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29280
4202025-02-20T19:04:58 *** WizJin_ <WizJin_!~Wizzy@2402:a00:184:8354:1dcc:64df:6578:dd71> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
4212025-02-20T19:07:03 *** Christoph_ <Christoph_!~Christoph@2a02:810d:13c0:3dec:c3e:eede:32ad:b4bb> has quit IRC (Quit: Christoph_)
4222025-02-20T19:07:55 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] instagibbs opened pull request #31918: fuzz: add basic TxOrphanage::EraseForBlock cov (master...2025-02-orphanage-eraseforblock) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31918
4232025-02-20T19:16:49 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] maflcko closed pull request #30371: fuzz: Mutate -max_len= during generation phase (master...2407-fuzz-maxlen) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30371
4242025-02-20T19:21:56 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] willcl-ark closed pull request #30381: [WIP] net: return result from addnode RPC (master...addnode-failure) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30381
4252025-02-20T19:41:12 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/46a9c73083e0...77bf99012ae8
4262025-02-20T19:41:13 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master ca6aa0b am-sq: doc: loadwallet loads from relative walletdir
4272025-02-20T19:41:13 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 77bf990 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#30302: doc: clarify loadwallet path loading for wall...
4282025-02-20T19:41:15 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #30302: doc: clarify loadwallet path loading for wallets (master...am-sq/improve-description-loadwallet-rpc) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/30302
4292025-02-20T19:49:52 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31301: refactor: convert ContainsNoNUL to ContainsNUL (master...refac-avoid-double-negative-ContainsNUL) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31301
4302025-02-20T19:54:21 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/77bf99012ae8...9d7672bbcaed
4312025-02-20T19:54:22 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 63a8791 jurraca: contrib: fix BUILDDIR in gen-bitcoin-conf script and gen-manpages.py
4322025-02-20T19:54:22 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 9d7672b Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31742: contrib: fix BUILDDIR in gen-bitcoin-conf scr...
4332025-02-20T19:54:25 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #31742: contrib: fix BUILDDIR in gen-bitcoin-conf script and gen-manpages.py (master...fix-builddir) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31742
4342025-02-20T20:01:12 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #29589: consensus: Consistently encode and decode `OP_1NEGATE` similar to other small ints in Script (master...2024-03-07-op1neg-py) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/29589
4352025-02-20T20:03:16 *** piku <piku!~piku@> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
4362025-02-20T20:05:24 *** Talkless <Talkless!~Talkless@mail.dargis.net> has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
4372025-02-20T20:07:08 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 7 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9d7672bbcaed...da3ed8b970a4
4382025-02-20T20:07:09 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 09e8fd2 Hennadii Stepanov: build: Don't override CMake's default try_compile target
4392025-02-20T20:07:09 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 88ee680 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Delete `check_cxx_source_links_with_flags` macro
4402025-02-20T20:07:09 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 71bf829 Hennadii Stepanov: cmake: Convert `check_cxx_source_compiles_with_flags` to a function
4412025-02-20T20:07:11 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31662: cmake: Do not modify `CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE` globally (master...250115-target-type) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31662
4422025-02-20T20:07:34 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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4442025-02-20T20:43:10 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31328: test: locking -testdatadir when not specified and then deleting lock and dir at end of test (master...lockTestDataDir) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31328
4452025-02-20T20:50:07 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] mahdirahimi1999 opened pull request #31919: Refactor file handling with context managers in multiple files (master...refactor/file-handling-improvement) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31919
4462025-02-20T20:50:17 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] maflcko closed pull request #31467: fuzz: Limit wallet_notifications iterations (take 2) (master...2412-fuzz-wallet-less) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31467
4472025-02-20T20:51:16 *** Guest81 <Guest81!~Guest81@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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4492025-02-20T20:51:52 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #31919: Refactor file handling with context managers in multiple files (master...refactor/file-handling-improvement) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31919
4502025-02-20T20:57:14 *** jonatack <jonatack!~jonatack@user/jonatack> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
4512025-02-20T21:02:37 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/da3ed8b970a4...db63bfbe7cf8
4522025-02-20T21:02:38 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d871d77 Hennadii Stepanov: test: Remove non-portable IPv6 test
4532025-02-20T21:02:38 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master db63bfb merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31580: test: Remove non-portable IPv6 test
4542025-02-20T21:02:40 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31580: test: Remove non-portable IPv6 test (master...241230-cnetaddr_basic) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31580
4552025-02-20T21:03:32 *** abubakarsadiq <abubakarsadiq!uid602234@id-602234.hampstead.irccloud.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
4562025-02-20T21:08:21 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] theuni opened pull request #31920: build: create Depends build type for depends and use it by default for depends builds (master...cmake-depends-config2) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31920
4572025-02-20T21:18:24 *** jespada <jespada!~jespada@2800:a4:2260:db00:50cc:cb35:ec3:ab9d> has quit IRC (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzzâ¦)
4582025-02-20T21:28:03 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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4742025-02-20T22:43:44 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/db63bfbe7cf8...5b8fd7c3a6b8
4752025-02-20T22:43:45 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 7267ed0 Hennadii Stepanov: qt: Update `src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf` after string freeze
4762025-02-20T22:43:45 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 5b8fd7c Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui#854: qt: Update `src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf` afte...
4772025-02-20T22:43:47 <bitcoin-git> [gui] hebasto merged pull request #854: qt: Update `src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.xlf` after string freeze (master...250220-tr) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui/pull/854
4782025-02-20T22:49:36 *** bugs_ <bugs_!~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
4792025-02-20T23:19:03 <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto pushed 2 commits to main: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/compare/765f6088d3c5...a8d15db5ac2c
4802025-02-20T23:19:03 <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main be612b0 David Gumberg: qml: Implement createSingleSigWallet
4812025-02-20T23:19:04 <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main a8d15db Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui-qml#444: Implement createSingleSigWallet
4822025-02-20T23:19:04 <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto merged pull request #444: Implement createSingleSigWallet (main...qml-2-17-25-singlesig) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/444
4832025-02-20T23:21:28 *** brunoerg <brunoerg!~brunoerg@2804:30c:1b66:fe00:2158:5114:7bf1:d913> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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