12025-03-06T00:24:52 *** pablomartin <pablomartin!~pablomart@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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92025-03-06T02:22:13 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] suiyuan1314 opened pull request #32006: docs: fix typos (master...fix/typos) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32006
102025-03-06T02:26:31 *** cman <cman!~con@180-150-21-3.b49615.mel.static.aussiebb.net> has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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292025-03-06T06:10:25 <luke-jr> v28.1.knots20250305 tagged if anyone is available to do guix builds
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442025-03-06T09:23:22 *** qxs <qxs!~qxs@gateway/tor-sasl/qxs> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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482025-03-06T10:23:17 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 5 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/bd0ee07310c3...9f3dcacef733
492025-03-06T10:23:18 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 0683b8e glozow: [kernel] update assumed blockchain and chainstate sizes for v29
502025-03-06T10:23:18 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master 80926af glozow: [kernel] update assumevalid and minimumChainWork for v29
512025-03-06T10:23:18 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master dd23c53 glozow: [kernel] update chainTxData for v29
522025-03-06T10:23:19 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31978: kernel: pre-29.x chainparams and headerssync update (master...2025-03-v29-chainparams) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31978
532025-03-06T10:26:55 *** Earnestly <Earnestly!~earnest@user/earnestly> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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722025-03-06T14:03:42 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] xiaobei0715 opened pull request #32008: chore: update copyright year to present (master...copyright) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32008
732025-03-06T14:03:59 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #32008: chore: update copyright year to present (master...copyright) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32008
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862025-03-06T15:54:07 <stickies-v> #proposedmeetingtopic review club
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892025-03-06T15:58:38 <darosior> stickies-v: does this club serve zombies?
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912025-03-06T15:59:15 <stickies-v> i can dm you the recipe every first wed of the month, no problem
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932025-03-06T16:00:32 <achow101> #startmeeting
942025-03-06T16:00:32 <corebot> achow101: Meeting started at 2025-03-06T16:00+0000
952025-03-06T16:00:33 <corebot> achow101: Current chairs: achow101
962025-03-06T16:00:34 <corebot> achow101: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting
972025-03-06T16:00:35 <corebot> achow101: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
982025-03-06T16:00:36 <corebot> achow101: Participants should now identify themselves with '#here' or with an alias like '#here FirstLast'
992025-03-06T16:00:40 <stickies-v> hi
1002025-03-06T16:00:40 <jarolrod> hi
1012025-03-06T16:00:42 <achow101> #bitcoin-core-dev Meeting: abubakarsadiq achow101 _aj_ ajonas b10c brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jarolrod jonatack josibake kanzure laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr maflcko marcofleon maxedw Murch pinheadmz provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi tdb3 theStack TheCharlatan vasild willcl-ark
1022025-03-06T16:00:46 <vasild> hi
1032025-03-06T16:00:48 <darosior> hi
1042025-03-06T16:00:48 <dergoegge> hi
1052025-03-06T16:00:48 <abubakarsadiq> hi
1062025-03-06T16:00:54 <shiza> hi
1072025-03-06T16:01:00 <sr_gi[m]> hi
1082025-03-06T16:01:00 *** rkrux <rkrux!~rkrux@user/rkrux> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1092025-03-06T16:01:04 <dzxzg> hi
1102025-03-06T16:01:08 <achow101> There is 1 preproposed meeting topic this week, any last minute ones to add?
1112025-03-06T16:01:29 <TheCharlatan> hi
1122025-03-06T16:01:30 <lightlike> hi
1132025-03-06T16:01:34 <rkrux> hi
1142025-03-06T16:01:49 *** preimage <preimage!~halosghos@user/halosghost> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1152025-03-06T16:01:54 <achow101> #topic Erlay WG Update (sr_gi, gleb, marcofleon)
1162025-03-06T16:02:51 <vasild> #here
1172025-03-06T16:03:34 <sr_gi[m]> I've been running the last set of planned simulations this week. I'm currently moving to implementing the changes on the open PR so we can test this with real nodes
1182025-03-06T16:04:00 <sr_gi[m]> Will be trying this on Warnet as soon as we have a working version, and then proceed with the PR
1192025-03-06T16:04:18 <sr_gi[m]> The results on simulation look promising :)
1202025-03-06T16:04:47 <sr_gi[m]> That's it on my end
1212025-03-06T16:04:55 <achow101> #topic Kernel WG Update (TheCharlatan)
1222025-03-06T16:05:06 <b10c> hi
1232025-03-06T16:05:09 <TheCharlatan> We discussed some ways forward towards getting the kernel API merged during the recent dev meeting.
1242025-03-06T16:05:34 <TheCharlatan> The consensus was that the current API is not likely to get shipped in the upcoming release
1252025-03-06T16:06:07 <TheCharlatan> Especially its reliance on assumeutxo mechanics and inflexibility towards other validation models are painpoints
1262025-03-06T16:06:35 <TheCharlatan> At the same time, building out applications a bit more to inform design decisions, as well as getting better feedback on how the API changes as validation code evolves would be easier to do if the API were merged sooner than later.
1272025-03-06T16:07:15 *** Guest65 <Guest65!~Guest65@84-216-185-21.customers.ownit.se> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1282025-03-06T16:07:40 <achow101> "not likely to get shipped in the upcoming release" <-- 29.0 or 30.0?
1292025-03-06T16:07:58 <TheCharlatan> So the focus in the near term will likely be trying to get it merged over the next months, albeit not slated as a library shipped in the releases quite yet.
1302025-03-06T16:08:05 *** Guest65 <Guest65!~Guest65@84-216-185-21.customers.ownit.se> has quit IRC (Client Quit)
1312025-03-06T16:08:16 <TheCharlatan> achow101: 30
1322025-03-06T16:08:17 <Sjors[m]> hi
1332025-03-06T16:08:43 <furszy> hi
1342025-03-06T16:09:53 <TheCharlatan> I will also try to work on a separate "big branch" with many of the desired changes to get the API into shape similarly to what Carl did to initially get a library together.
1352025-03-06T16:10:03 <TheCharlatan> that's all from me :)
1362025-03-06T16:10:36 <achow101> #topic MuSig2 WG Update (achow101)
1372025-03-06T16:10:46 <achow101> I've addressed recent reviews on #31622
1382025-03-06T16:10:51 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31622 | psbt: add non-default sighash types to PSBTs and unify sighash type match checking by achow101 · Pull Request #31622 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1392025-03-06T16:10:57 <achow101> I had to add a check that signatures are valid DER since one of the recent pushes caused a fuzz test failure
1402025-03-06T16:11:15 <achow101> This is possibly a breaking change, although I don't expect it to actually impact anyone
1412025-03-06T16:11:21 <achow101> The other current PRs to review are #31247 and #31243.
1422025-03-06T16:11:24 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31247 | psbt: MuSig2 Fields by achow101 · Pull Request #31247 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1432025-03-06T16:11:26 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31243 | descriptor: Move filling of keys from `DescriptorImpl::MakeScripts` to `PubkeyProvider::GetPubKey` by achow101 · Pull Request #31243 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1442025-03-06T16:11:30 <achow101> #31243 seems rfm once we branch
1452025-03-06T16:11:31 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31243 | descriptor: Move filling of keys from `DescriptorImpl::MakeScripts` to `PubkeyProvider::GetPubKey` by achow101 · Pull Request #31243 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1462025-03-06T16:11:54 <achow101> #topic Legacy Wallet Removal WG Update (achow101)
1472025-03-06T16:12:03 <achow101> Sjors opened #31961 which pulls out the commit the makes sqlite required when the wallet is enabled.
1482025-03-06T16:12:05 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31961 | Require sqlite when building the wallet by Sjors · Pull Request #31961 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1492025-03-06T16:12:12 <achow101> I've rebased #31250 and #28710 to on top of it.
1502025-03-06T16:12:14 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31250 | wallet: Disable creating and loading legacy wallets by achow101 · Pull Request #31250 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1512025-03-06T16:12:16 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28710 | Remove the legacy wallet and BDB dependency by achow101 · Pull Request #28710 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1522025-03-06T16:12:41 <achow101> As was mentioned at CoreDev, these PRs are primarily deletions and it would be great to get these in to help reduce scope :)
1532025-03-06T16:12:41 <jon_atack> hi
1542025-03-06T16:13:04 <jarolrod> oh we're reducinngggg
1552025-03-06T16:13:33 <achow101> #topic QML GUI WG Update (jarolrod, johnny9dev)
1562025-03-06T16:13:41 <glozow> achow: \o/
1572025-03-06T16:13:41 <jarolrod> No substantial update this week, several of us were traveling last week or currently are
1582025-03-06T16:13:48 <jarolrod> Progress on the activity and send work should be wrapping up soon, and a lot of what you guys saw at the core dev should be in the repo by the next meeting.
1592025-03-06T16:13:55 <jarolrod> And more to show at the next meeting!
1602025-03-06T16:14:17 <achow101> #topic orphan resolution WG Update (glozow)
1612025-03-06T16:14:17 <jarolrod> fin
1622025-03-06T16:14:18 <vasild> next IRC or coredev meeting?
1632025-03-06T16:14:22 <jarolrod> next irc meeting
1642025-03-06T16:14:29 <vasild> :)
1652025-03-06T16:14:29 <instagibbs> slight difference
1662025-03-06T16:14:34 <jarolrod> BIG
1672025-03-06T16:14:52 <glozow> hi! i wrote an update on the PR, but wonât get to it in the next couple weeks
1682025-03-06T16:15:52 <instagibbs> ð
1692025-03-06T16:17:01 <glozow> update being https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31829#issuecomment-2698920711
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1732025-03-06T16:20:48 <achow101> #topic 29.0 Milestone
1742025-03-06T16:20:53 *** dzxzg <dzxzg!~dzxzg@user/dzxzg> has quit IRC (Client Quit)
1752025-03-06T16:21:04 <glozow> Ok not sure if my connection is strong enough but:
1762025-03-06T16:21:05 <glozow> There are a few small things left before we can do branch-off, e.g. #31960 which needs some review.
1772025-03-06T16:21:05 <glozow> Please also remember to add release notes and check your name in the credits https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/29.0-Release-Notes-draft
1782025-03-06T16:21:05 <glozow> In particular I'm waiting on a CMake note from hebasto and a -O3 note from sipa
1792025-03-06T16:21:05 <glozow> I think we are aiming for a RC testing guide meeting on March 19
1802025-03-06T16:21:07 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31960 | seeds: add signet/testnet4, update makeseeds regex, minblocks, fixed seeds by jonatack · Pull Request #31960 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1812025-03-06T16:21:18 <dergoegge> you skipped the fuzzing wg
1822025-03-06T16:21:36 <achow101> dergoegge: oops, didn't see you. will do after this topic
1832025-03-06T16:22:13 <achow101> The milestone is https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/milestone/69
1842025-03-06T16:22:13 *** dzxzg <dzxzg!~dzxzg@user/dzxzg> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1852025-03-06T16:22:37 <achow101> The only non-procedural pr is #31161
1862025-03-06T16:22:40 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31161 | cmake: Set top-level target output locations by hebasto · Pull Request #31161 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
1872025-03-06T16:23:21 <achow101> Was there a resolution to that? IIRC it was discussed by a few people at CoreDev.
1882025-03-06T16:23:39 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake opened pull request #32009: RFC contrib: turn off compression of macOS SDK to fix determinism (across distros) (master...macos_sdk_select) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32009
1892025-03-06T16:24:29 <achow101> There's also still a bunch of build system issues open. Are they being fixed or punted to the next release?
1902025-03-06T16:24:58 <achow101> glozow: still planning to branch today?
1912025-03-06T16:25:32 <glozow> We can wait a few days
1922025-03-06T16:25:37 <jon_atack> glozow: achow101: I'll update the seeds pull shortly, might ping here if any questions
1932025-03-06T16:25:38 <brunoerg> hi
1942025-03-06T16:26:18 <glozow> I'd rather wait than backport
1952025-03-06T16:26:20 <glozow> jon_atack: thanks
1962025-03-06T16:26:26 <achow101> indeed
1972025-03-06T16:27:02 <glozow> might be dropping off now, sorry
1982025-03-06T16:27:11 <achow101> #topic Fuzzing WG Update (dergoegge)
1992025-03-06T16:27:21 <dergoegge> For those that didn't attend the "functional fuzz test" spark session at coredev, I briefly summarized the idea here: https://gist.github.com/dergoegge/3036796551095a9ce7535fb5d74e6656
2002025-03-06T16:27:37 <dergoegge> I'll occasionally give updates on this effort here or in the fuzzing wg
2012025-03-06T16:29:41 <achow101> #proposedmeetingtopic review club (stickies-v)
2022025-03-06T16:29:42 <corebot> achow101: Unknown command: #proposedmeetingtopic
2032025-03-06T16:29:48 <achow101> #topic review club (stickies-v)
2042025-03-06T16:30:10 <stickies-v> we had a brief in-person discussion last week about reviewing the review club (https://bitcoincore.reviews/ )
2052025-03-06T16:30:31 <stickies-v> one suggestion with good support was to give space to working groups to host PRs that theyâd like more discussion or transparency on
2062025-03-06T16:30:58 <stickies-v> so, are there any WGs interested in proposing (and ideally hosting) a PR review club?
2072025-03-06T16:31:29 *** Guyver2 <Guyver2!~Guyver@77-174-98-73.fixed.kpn.net> has left #bitcoin-core-dev (Closing Window)
2082025-03-06T16:31:41 <sipa> hi
2092025-03-06T16:31:52 <stickies-v> if it's okay with everyone, i'll make this a semi-recurring topic on this meeting, but you can always leave a request/suggestion on our newly pinned issue: https://github.com/bitcoin-core-review-club/website/issues/791
2102025-03-06T16:32:31 <achow101> stickies-v: feel free to propose it as a topic whenever you want to
2112025-03-06T16:32:49 <stickies-v> thank you! that's all for me
2122025-03-06T16:32:57 <achow101> sipa: would you like to give a cluster mempool update?
2132025-03-06T16:33:04 <jon_atack> stickies-v: there seems to be support for returning to a weekly format
2142025-03-06T16:33:15 <sipa> achow101: sure
2152025-03-06T16:33:35 <jon_atack> ofc that is load mostly on you two unless the same people are willing to host
2162025-03-06T16:33:37 <stickies-v> jon_atack: so far we have 0 people offering to host, though :D
2172025-03-06T16:33:57 <achow101> #topic Cluster Mempool WG Update (sdaftuar, sipa)
2182025-03-06T16:34:35 <jon_atack> yes. hosting twice a year by a dozen or two people would move the dial on that. I would do that if you need.
2192025-03-06T16:34:47 <sipa> not that much to report, #31363 has started getting reviews (thanks, abubakarsadiq and instagibbs!), looks to make good progress
2202025-03-06T16:34:50 <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31363 | cluster mempool: introduce TxGraph by sipa · Pull Request #31363 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
2212025-03-06T16:35:36 <sipa> on the research side, i've been having good discussions with aj and others about a min-cut linearization algorithm, i hope to have a prototype to experiment with soon
2222025-03-06T16:36:33 <sipa> that's it for me
2232025-03-06T16:36:42 <achow101> Any other topics to discuss this week?
2242025-03-06T16:38:15 *** jadi <jadi!~jadi@d207-81-160-78.bchsia.telus.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
2252025-03-06T16:38:30 <abubakarsadiq> @jon_atack I think it may be due to a lack of interest in hosting that it is only once a month. If I recall correctly, there have been multiple review clubs in the past after we switched to a monthly schedule when there was interest
2262025-03-06T16:38:41 <achow101> #endmeeting
2272025-03-06T16:38:41 <corebot> achow101: Meeting ended at 2025-03-06T16:38+0000
2282025-03-06T16:38:42 <corebot> achow101: Raw log: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-03-06_16_00.log.json
2292025-03-06T16:38:43 <corebot> achow101: Formatted log: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-03-06_16_00.log.html
2302025-03-06T16:38:44 <corebot> achow101: Minutes: https://achow101.com/ircmeetings/2025/bitcoin-core-dev.2025-03-06_16_00.html
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2432025-03-06T17:20:06 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/9f3dcacef733...c7d216ac9461
2442025-03-06T17:20:07 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master d76647e fanquake: ci: use LLVM 20.1.0 for MSAN
2452025-03-06T17:20:07 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c7d216a merge-script: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#31993: ci: use LLVM 20.1.0 for MSAN
2462025-03-06T17:20:10 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake merged pull request #31993: ci: use LLVM 20.1.0 for MSAN (master...msan_llvm_20_1_0) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31993
2472025-03-06T17:31:03 *** LainExperiments <LainExperiments!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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2492025-03-06T18:00:36 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/c7d216ac9461...a9a2b669f3e0
2502025-03-06T18:00:37 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master c873ab6 fanquake: doc: remove note about macOS self-signing
2512025-03-06T18:00:37 <bitcoin-git> bitcoin/master a9a2b66 Ava Chow: Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#32003: doc: remove note about macOS self-signing
2522025-03-06T18:00:38 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] achow101 merged pull request #32003: doc: remove note about macOS self-signing (master...remove_code_signing_note) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32003
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2982025-03-06T23:09:02 <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hodlinator opened pull request #32010: qa: Fix TxIndex race conditions (master...2025/02/txindex_test_race) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32010
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