12025-03-10T00:24:47  *** Guest99 <Guest99!~Guest99@> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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  92025-03-10T02:40:30  <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] johnny9 opened pull request #447: qml: Fix handling of load wallet in controller (main...select-fix) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/447
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 132025-03-10T03:57:29  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] RiceChuan opened pull request #32022: docs: remove repetitive words (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32022
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 292025-03-10T07:35:30  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] fanquake closed pull request #32022: docs: remove repetitive words (master...master) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32022
 302025-03-10T07:41:43  <laanwj> #31979 looks rfm to me
 312025-03-10T07:41:45  <corebot> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31979 | torcontrol: Limit reconnect timeout to max seconds and log delay in whole seconds by eval-exec · Pull Request #31979 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
 322025-03-10T07:45:49  <laanwj> the second "duplicate is" PR in a few days, did the bots learn something new
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 432025-03-10T09:53:57  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] saikiran57 opened pull request #32023: removed duplicate call to GetDescriptorScriptPubKeyMan  (master...remove_duplicate_getdescriptorscriptpubkeyman) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32023
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 562025-03-10T11:58:08  <hebasto> laanwj: do you still have access to https://groups.google.com/g/bitcoin-translators?
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 632025-03-10T12:54:08  <laanwj> hebasto: looks like i do!
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 812025-03-10T14:57:16  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] Chand-ra opened pull request #32024: test: get rid of redundant TODO tag in fuzz tests (master...todo-v1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32024
 822025-03-10T14:58:04  *** zzz123 <zzz123!~zzz123@user/zzz123> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
 832025-03-10T14:58:17  <zzz123> Hey what's up with the new DoS?
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 852025-03-10T14:59:31  <zzz123> Pad found it and published exploit code on X: https://x.com/123456/status/1899101800701050931 and realistically he's pretty attractive for how elite he is at what he does. I'm definitely not him btw <nervous laughter>
 862025-03-10T15:00:03  <zzz123> Let's not give him credit. Social climbing in blockchain is more important than computer science, right Ava?
 872025-03-10T15:00:14  <zzz123> tl;dr pwned, again, happy to help kevin@envadr.io
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 892025-03-10T15:16:59  <darosior> well, looks like he's so elite he pwned twitter too, post wont load
 902025-03-10T15:17:28  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] marcofleon opened pull request #32025: validation, fix: Use wtxid instead of txid in `CheckEphemeralSpends` (master...2025/03/fix-txid-to-wtxid) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32025
 912025-03-10T15:28:26  <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto pushed 2 commits to main: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/compare/a8d15db5ac2c...fd54cd909afa
 922025-03-10T15:28:26  <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main 93356a2 David Gumberg: doc: Add missing fedora dependency
 932025-03-10T15:28:27  <bitcoin-git> gui-qml/main fd54cd9 Hennadii Stepanov: Merge bitcoin-core/gui-qml#443: doc: Add missing fedora dependency
 942025-03-10T15:28:28  <bitcoin-git> [gui-qml] hebasto merged pull request #443: doc: Add missing fedora dependency (main...2-11-24-fedora-build-docs) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/gui-qml/pull/443
 952025-03-10T15:34:54  <laanwj> zzz123: please use security@bitcoincore.org to report vulnerabilities, posting them to public social media is irresponsible, and also many of us don't have x accounts
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1012025-03-10T16:01:47  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto closed pull request #32024: test: get rid of redundant TODO tag in fuzz tests (master...todo-v1) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32024
1022025-03-10T16:03:45  *** tapscript <tapscript!~tapscript@2001:4958:2f8f:e001:dc07:cc60:8301:e5a8> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)
1032025-03-10T16:06:21  <bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge merged pull request #219: add pcp_request_port_map and natpmp_request_port_map inputs (main...main) https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/pull/219
1042025-03-10T16:06:23  <bitcoin-git> [qa-assets] dergoegge pushed 2 commits to main: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/qa-assets/compare/733f70b21be2...757a13d6981a
1052025-03-10T16:06:24  <bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main 437b9fb marcofleon: add pcp_request_port_map and natpmp_request_port_map inputs
1062025-03-10T16:06:24  <bitcoin-git> qa-assets/main 757a13d Niklas Gögge: Merge pull request #219 from marcofleon/main
1072025-03-10T16:57:42  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #32027: cmake: Add `NO_CACHE_IF_FAILED` option for checking linker flags (master...250310-nocache) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32027
1082025-03-10T17:04:38  *** bugs_ <bugs_!~bugs@user/bugs/x-5128603> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
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1102025-03-10T17:37:14  <bitcoin-git> [bitcoin] hebasto opened pull request #32028: Update `secp256k1` subtree to latest master (master...250310-secp-subtree) https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/32028
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1132025-03-10T17:48:09  <zzz123> start syncing a fresh bitcoind and run this against it https://pastebin.com/raw/skn7DhP9 - edit your remote bitcoind ip into '' in a text editor - install go - save this: https://pastebin.com/raw/skn7DhP9 as attack.go - and type 'go run attack.go' - and observe the sync slowdown. confirmed denial-of-service in the latest release
1142025-03-10T17:52:51  *** Talkless <Talkless!~Talkless@mail.dargis.net> has joined #bitcoin-core-dev
1152025-03-10T18:06:21  <darosior> What do people think of adding the "coinbasetxn" field to the getblocktemplate result? What's the reason it was never introduced in the first place?
1162025-03-10T18:06:26  <darosior> cc luke-jr ^
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1192025-03-10T18:12:37  <sipa> darosior: i believe because it's something the pool should set, not bitcoind, but GBT never got traction for pool-to-hasher communication
1202025-03-10T18:13:21  <sipa> it can only be decided by bitcoind if it knows the payout addresses, for example
1212025-03-10T18:54:20  *** jespada <jespada!~jespada@2800:a4:2209:c300:e437:199c:a9b6:7fbe> has quit IRC (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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1302025-03-10T19:58:22  <zzz123> re: new dos - global resource limits on getdata associated w/ blocks. maybe a global 100ms throttle between requests.. rather than just per ip addr limits - restrict total bandwidth that can be dedicated to sharing block data. alternatively - dynamic serving that adjusts based on network conditions, e.g. nodes stressing each other and redirecting
1312025-03-10T19:58:22  <zzz123> new connections to healthy nodes with open slots? spitballing. what type of degradation if any would a patch for getdata block spam produce? dos attack code = https://pastebin.com/raw/skn7DhP9 - edit to your remote bitcoind machine's ip, save as `whatever.go` and `go run whatever.go`
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