Archive for the ‘poli-mics’ Category

Bioweapons Labs, redux

Not long after I linked to the Yahoo story about confirmed bioweapons labs in Iraq last year, it disappeared. Let’s see if the same thing happens to this World Net Daily story that even includes pictures. These are almost certainly the trucks that the Duelfer report is talking about when it says: [The Iraq Survey […]

Bikini Babes for Bush

David writes, under the heading Supermodels for Kerry: Sure, I’m superficial and shallow — but you know you’re tempted too. Don’t get me wrong, I’d accept a bumper sticker from Rebecca Romijn too, but it’s not like being superficial and shallow is an either/or choice compared with being a right-wing death beast. As Australian-American Gabrielle […]

Election Results

First, the scores: Betting markets: +1; Pundits: 0; Polls: -1. While geeking out on partial tallies, Michael noticed the extremely high informal count in his electorate, and noted that “we’re none too bright here in Rankin”. If you consider informal voting a measure of dumbness, it turns out Rankin’s the dumbest electorate in Queensland (at […]

October 9th Excitement

As the election day dawns, you can just feel the excitement in the air: They seem genuinely excited. Almost everyone does. In the markets, people are actually talking about the vote. Some are driving around with pictures of candidates in their car windows. Posters of every hue cover the walls of central Kabul. Meanwhile in […]

Oil Prices

When I reinvented this segment of my blog, I said it was meant to cover economics as well as politics, but I haven’t really been following through on that too well. Since someone thinks I may perhaps have a spec in my eye labelled “not blogging enough”, I figured I’d mix two metaphors with one […]

A Foreign Correspondent in Baghdad

I’ve got no idea what’s going on in Iraq; but my impression is that things will suddenly appear orders of magnitude better than they do now once the US and Iraqi elections are out of the way — the former’s a problem because people are inclined to emphasise the bad news to defeat Bush, and […]


The Oz and American elections are getting pretty boring. At least Iran seems to be keeping things interesting (via Jonah Goldberg, via Instapundit).


The two top ABC news stories at the moment: Labor offers free day in $1.6b childcare package, and Labor slams ‘crazy John’s end of career clearance sale’. (The third “politics” one is Greens call for aerial spraying inquiry — amazing how all the stories are told from the perspective of left wing parties, even when […]

Kay Hull and School Fees

Wow. The ABC headline: Latham accuses Coalition of school privatisation plan. My thought “Cool. Bold and unlikely, but cool if true.” What’s actually being proposed: The Nationals’ Kay Hull says public schools should introduce fees for parents earning more than $100,000 a year. She also wants poorer country schools to receive more government money and […]

Polycentric Law

Interesting article on “True Separation of Powers” by Jonathan Wilde in response to (and quoting) an interesting article by Jim Henley. The idea behind checks and balances under separation of powers is the restraint of mutual jealousy – each of the three branches will be so zealous of its prerogatives, and so wary of overreaching […]

The Economist’s Politics

One of the more discombobulating issues of converting to a neo-con has been buying into the liberal media meme. It’s confusing because there’s no particular reason I can see why individual media biasses shouldn’t pretty much average out; but instead I keep finding publications I’d expect(ed) to be written by, for and about The Man […]

The Corporation

“Brilliant! Hilarious and chilling!” – San Francisco Bay Guardian “Coolheaded and incisive!” – San Francisco Chronicle “Ambitious…Epic…Riveting!” – Los Angeles Times Spot the pattern. Since I’ve already commented on this movie on spec, I figured I should watch it when it came out. Various comments around the place had led me to think it was […]

Truth Overboard

Well, there probably was never much chance of me voting Labor this election, but they appear to have taken my ski trip last week as their cue to go completely nutso. As well as raising their lances at windmills they seem to have decided to follow the lead of the Australian Democrats (or, as they […]

Pr0n and Labor

From the Australian last week: ALL internet service providers would be forced to block hard-core pornography reaching home computers under a radical plan to protect children being pushed by federal Labor MPs. Crazy freaks. (Hat tip: Jason Soon and Yobbo)

OSIA and LA Press Release

Ugh. Why do I find my first real fisking is of a press release by Linux Australia and OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) — organisations whose goals I actually support? Oh well. Honesty over solidarity, I guess. (As a side note: it seems this has hit ZDNet, the Fairfax papers (the Sydney Morning Herald and […]